Hosted by Cimi ... In this forum, our friend Cimi shares with us some awesome messages of love and faith intended to be shared with all Christians.


Postby cimi » Tue Mar 31, 2009 1:48 pm

March 30


Mark 1:40-45

Jesus, moved with
compassion, stretched
out His hand and
touched him, and said
to him, "I am willing;
be cleansed."
__Mark 1:41

As I read Mark 1:40-45, I imagine the following scene;

They saw him coming toward them from across the way. He was waving his arms to warn them away. They recognized him by the bandanna covering his nose and mouth. His garments were torn and his skin peeled away from his body. he was a leper__unclean!

The crowd around Jesus scattered as the leper charged into their midst. Everyone was afraid of being touched by him because they themselves would then become unclean. Lepers were barred from the religious life of the community, isolated from society, and compelled to mourn their own death by tearing their clothes.

But this leper threw himself at Jesus' feet, appealing to Him out of desperation and faith to restore him to wholeness: "If You are willing, You can make me clean" (v.40). Moved with compassion, Jesus touched the man and said, "I am willing, be cleansed" (v.41). Jesus healed the man of his leprosy and told him to show himself to the temple priest.

Jesus has the power to cleanse, forgive, and restore those who are hopelessly and helplessly caught up in their sin and can see no way out. Trust Him to say to you, "I am willing; be cleansed." __Marvin Williams

````````````````````The Savior is waiting to save you`````````````
````````````````````And wash every sin-stain away;``````````````
`````````````````By faith you can know full forgiveness````````````
`````````````````And be a new creature today! __Bosch```````````

Jesus specializes in restoration.

************Today's Bible Reading __ Mark 1:40-45****************

46 Now a leper came to
Him, imploring Him,
kneeling down to Him and
saying to Him, "If You are
willing, You can make me

41 Then Jesus, moved with
compassion, stretched out
His hand and touched him,
and said to him, "I am
willing; be cleansed." 42 As
soon as He had spoken,
immediately the leprosy left
him, and he was cleansed.

43 And He strictly warned
him and sent him away at
once, 44 and said to him,
"See that you say nothing
to anyone; but go your way,
show yourself to the priest,
and offer for your cleansing
those things which Moses
commanded, as a testimony
to them."

45 However, he went out
and began to proclaim it
freely, and to spread the
matter, so that Jesus could
non longer openly enter the
city, but was outside in
deserted places; and they
came to Him form every


Leprosy is a general term used to describe many serious skin
diseases, which would certainly include what we refer to today as
Hansen's disease. The law regarding the leper is found in Leviticus
13 and 14. The physical effects of leprosy also made its victim
ceremonially unclean. Accordingly, only the priest could declare a
person free from the disease after the leper had gone through the
ceremonial cleansing and offered the stipulated sacrifices (Lev. 14:2-
32). That is why Jesus told the leper to show himself to the priest
(Mark 1:44). __Sim Kay Tee
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