Hosted by Cimi ... In this forum, our friend Cimi shares with us some awesome messages of love and faith intended to be shared with all Christians.


Postby cimi » Sun Mar 29, 2009 5:26 pm

March 29


Romans 14:1-13

Resolve this, not to put
a stumbling block or
a cause to fall in our
brother's way.
__Romans 14:13

I once decorated a notebook with definitions of the words idea, thought, opinion, preference, belief, and conviction to remind myself that they do not mean the same thing. The temptation to elevate an opinion to the level of a conviction can be strong, but doing so is wrong, as we learn from Romans 14.

In the first century, religious traditions based on the law were so important to religious leaders that they failed to recognize the One who personified the law, Jesus. They were so focused on minor matters that they neglected the important ones (Matt. 23:23).

Scripture says that we need to subjugate even our beliefs and convictions to the law of love (Rom. 13:8,10; Gal. 5:14; James 2:8), for love fulfills the law and leads to peace and mutual edification.

When opinions and preferences become more important to us than what God says is valuable to Him, we have made idols out of our own beliefs. Idolatry is a serious offense because it violates the first and most important command: "You shall have no other gods before Me" (Ex. 20:3).

Let's resolve not to elevate our own opinions above God's, lest they become a stumbling block and keep others from knowing the love of Jesus. __Julie Ackerman Link

```````````````````````````A PRAYER`````````````````````````

```````````Lord, help me not to elevate my opinions and````````````
```````make others follow. you are the convicter of hearts.``````````
`````````````May others learn of Your love through me.`````````````

The greatest force on earth is not the compulsion
of law but the compassion of love.

**************Today's Bible Reading __ Romans 14:1-13***********

1 Receive one who is weak
in the faith, but not to
disputes over doubtful

2 For one believes he
may eat all things, but he
who is weak eats only
vegetables. 3 Let not him
who eats despise him who
does not eat, and let not him
who does not eat judge him
who eats; for God has
received him. 4 Who are you
to judge another's servant?
To his own master he stands
or falls. Indeed, he will be
made to stand, for God is
able to make him stand.

5 One person esteems one
day above another; another
esteems every day alike. Let
each be fully convinced in
his own mind. 6 He who
observes the day, observes it
to the Lord; and he who
does not observe the day, to
the Lord he does not observe
it. He who eats, eats to the
Lord, for he gives God
thanks; and he who does not
eat, to the Lord he does not
eat, and gives God
thanks; and he who does not
eat, and gives God
thanks.... 10 But why do
you judge your brother? Or
why do you show contempt
for your brother? for we
shall all stand before the
judgment seat of Christ.

11 For it is written: "As I
live, says the LORD, every
knee shall bow to Me, and
every tongue shall confess to
God." 12 So then each of us
shall give account of himself
to God. 13 Therefore let us
not judge one another
anymore, but rather resolve
this, not to put a stumbling
block or a cause to fall in
our brother's way.


Paul has already emphasized the priority to love your neighbor as
yourself (Rom. 13:9). Using diet restrictions and observing of special
days as examples, Paul explains how this neighborly love works itself
out in "disputable matters" or matters of preference. __Sim Kay Tee
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