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Postby cimi » Tue Nov 18, 2008 7:53 pm

November 18


Proverbs 17:22-28

A man of
is of a calm spirit.
__Proverbs 17:27

A Christian I know was angry with someone at his workplace over a perceived injustice. A colleague listened to his grievance and sensed that his temper still ran high. He gave him this wise advice to consider before confronting those involved: "Cooler heads prevail."

As we interact with others, disagreements are inevitable. The discerning believer understands his own heart and takes steps to deal with conflict diplomatically.

Proverbs 17:27 tells us: "He who has knowledge spares his words." This means keeping in check a multitude of opinions that could ignite further anger in others. Someone who displays wisdom will think before speaking, and then will share only insights likely to be helpful.

The Proverbs also give us wise counsel on the emotional side of controlling our frustrations. "A man of understanding is of a calm spirit." A mature person exhibits understanding by keeping cool in conflict. Problem-solving is enhanced by an even-tempered approach.

The next time you become angry, stop and prayerfully reflect for a moment. Ask God for a calm spirit and the right words to say.

Remember, cooler heads prevail. __Dennis Fisher

```````````````````````FOR FURTHER STUDY````````````````````

````````It's important to handle anger in constructive ways.``````````
`````````Visit on the Web````````````
`````````````````and read When Anger Burns.````````````````````

The best time to stop an argument is before it starts

*************Today's Bible Reading __ Provebs 17:22-28***********

22 A merry heart does
good, like medicine, but
a broken spirit dries the

23 A wicked man accepts
a bribe behind the back to
pervert the ways of justice.

24 Wisdom is in the
sight of him who has
understanding, but the eyes
of a fool are on the ends of
the earth.

25 A foolish son is a grief
to his father, and bitterness
to her who bore him.

26 Also, to punish the
righteous is not good, nor
to strike princes for their

27 He who has knowledge
spares his words, and a man
of understanding is of a
calm spirit.

28 Even a fool is counted
wise when he holds his
peace; when he shuts
his lips, he is considered


The fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, kindness,
goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control" (Gal. 5:22-23). Self-
control in all forms (including the restraint of anger) was one of
the virtues most emphasized by ancient philosophers. Yet in Paul's
mind this character quality does not spring from human willpower.
Instead, the believer receives it from a supernatural power source.
For the christian, the spiritual remedy for anger is that particular
fruit of the Spirit called "self-control." These character qualities
produced by the Holy Spirit fulfill the moral intent of God's law and
can promote healthy interpersonal relationships. __Dennis Fisher
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