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Postby cimi » Mon Sep 29, 2008 3:43 pm

September 27


2 Timothy 4:9-18

At my first defense no
one stood with me, but
all forsook me, May it
not be charged against
__2 Timothy 4:16

Just days before his death, Gandhi worte, "All about me is darkness; I am praying for light." By contrast, evangelist D. L. Moody's last recorded words were, "This is my triumph; this my coronation day! It is glorious!" In both cases, their last words were significant expressions of their perspectives on life, death, and everything in between.

Aside from some personal greetings, Paul's last recorded words dealt not with what he had done in life and ministry but rather with how he viewed people. What makes it evenmore significant is that some of those words were about people who had disappointed him.

Regarding an individual who had harmed him by opposing his ministry, Paul trusted the Lord to deal with him. And when considering those who had abandoned him when imprisoned, he asked others to handle them graciously: "At my first defense no one stood with me, but all forsook me. May it not be carged against them" (2 Tim. 4:16). His last words were those of compassion and kindness instead of harshness and retaliation.

Will our last words show the grace of Christ or the bitterness of a wounded heart? Our answer should impact the words we use today.
__Bill Crowder

``````````````What have you written on memory's page?```````````
``````````````Deeds that were done in the Master's name?``````````
``````````````Words that were spoken to spread His fame?``````````
`````````````````What have you written today? __Anon.```````````

What words will be your legacy?

****************Today's Bible Reading __ 2 Timothy 4:9-18*********

9 Be diligent to come to
me quickly; 10 for Demas
has forsaken me, having
loved this present world,
and has departed for
Thessalonica__Crescens for
Galatia, Titus for Dalmatia.

11 Only Luke is with me.
Get Mark and bring him
with you, for he is useful to
me for ministry. 12 And
Tychicus I have sent to
Ephesus. 13 Bring the cloak
that I left with Carpus at
Troas when you come__and
the books, especially the

14 Alexander the
coppersmith did me much
harm. May the Lord repay
him according to his works.

15 You also must beware of
him, for he has greatly
resisted our words.

16 At my first defense no
one stood with me, but all
forsook me. May it not be
charged against them. 17 But
the Lord stood with me and
strengthened me, so that the
message might be preached
fully through me, and that
all the Gentiles might hear.
Also I was delivered out
of the mouth of the lion.

18 And the Lord will deliver
me from every evil work
and preserve me for His
heavenly kingdom. To Him
be glory forever and ever.


John Mark (2 Tim. 4:11) was a member of Paul's first missionary
team but abandoned the mission (Acts 13:5,13), infuriating Paul.
For the second missionary journey, Paul refused to let Mark
come. Disagreeing sharply, Barnabas took the young Mark and
went separate ways from Paul (Acts 15:36-41). With Barnabas'
encouragement and the tutelage he likely received from Peter, Mark
made good his earlier failure and ministered effectively with Paul
in Rome (2 Tim. 4:11). Mark eventually wrote the Gospel of Mark.
__Sim Kay Tee
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