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Postby cimi » Mon Sep 01, 2008 1:36 pm

August 31


Luke 23:32-43

As far as the east is
from the west, so far
has He removed our
transgressions from us.
__Psalm 103:12

The headline in our Grand Rapids Press wasn't good news. Fifteen million gallons of partially treated waste water suddenly disappeared from a storage lagoon in a water treatment facility. Just outside the small town of Sand Lake, Michigan, a 500-by-500-foot pond disappeared into a sinkhole.

The problem was that nobody knew where the wastewater went. According to a county spokesperson, "It will depend on where it went before we can say what happened."

As I read the article, I imagined all the wrongs of my life as being like that missing filthy lagoon. In my clearest moments of faith, I can say in all honesty that I really don't know where they went, but they are gone. The last time I saw the real guilt of my envy, anger, and impatience, they were all nailed to the cross of a Man suffering for wrongs he never committed.

Where did my guilt go? The Bible gives me answers that I can't really understand; buried in the deepest sea (Mic. 7:19), as far as the east is from the west (Ps. 103:12), erased from the eternal books of heaven's justice (Col. 2:13-15).

No, all I can really understand is that I owe unending gratefulness, praise, and honor to the One who bore our sin__a mystery of inexpressibly good news. __Mart De Haan

````````````````Praise, my soul, the King of heaven,```````````````
````````````````````To His feet thy tribute bring;`````````````````
````````````````Ransomed healed, restored, forgiven,``````````````
`````````````````Evermore His praises sing. __Lyte```````````````

When God forgives, he removes our sin
and restores our soul.

****************Today's Bible Reading __ Luke 23:32-43***********

32 There were also two
others, criminals, led with
Him to be put to death.

33 And when they had come
to the place called Calvary,
there they crucified Him, and
the criminals, one on the
right hand and the other on
the left. 34 Then Jesus said,
"Father, forgive them, for
they do not know what they
do." And they divided His
garments and cast lots.

35 And the people stood
looking on. But even the
rulers with them sneered,
saying, "He saved others; let
Him save Himself if He is
the Christ, the chosen of

36 The soldiers also mocked
Him, coming and offering
Him sour wine, 37 and
saying, "If You are the King
of the Jews, save Yourself."

38 And an inscription also
was written over Him in
letters of Greek, Latin, and

39 Then one of the criminals
who were hanged
blasphemed Him, saying,
"If You are the Christ, save
Yourself and us."

40 But the other, answering,
rebuked him, saying, "Do
you not even fear God,
seeing you are under the
same condemnation? 41 And
we indeed justly, for we
receive the due reward of our
deeds; but this Man has done
nothing wrong."

42 Then he said to Jesus,
"Lord, remember me when
You come into Your

43 And Jesus said to him,
"Assuredly, I say to you,
today you will be with Me in


Crucified at 9 a.m. (Mark 15:25), Jesus spoke three times before
noon (Luke 23:34,43; John 19:26-27). For the next 3 hours, darkness
engulfed the land (Luke 23:44). Silence. Just before He died (3 p.m.),
Jesus spoke four times (Matt. 27:46; John 19:28; 19:30; Luke 23:46).
__Sim Kay Tee
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