Hosted by Cimi ... In this forum, our friend Cimi shares with us some awesome messages of love and faith intended to be shared with all Christians.


Postby cimi » Wed Aug 27, 2008 11:36 am

August 24


Psalm 76

Surely the wrath of man
shall praise You; with
the remainder of wrath
You shall gird Yourself.
__Psalm 76:10

Augustine said that God "judged it better to bring good out of evil, than not to permit any evil to exist." Thus God takes the worst evil that men and women can do to us and turns it into good. Even the wrath of ungodly men brings praise to Him (Ps. 76:10).

God has not promised that your life will be easy__indeed it may not be. But He has promised to sustain you in your struggle and uphold you with His mighty arm. If you trust Him, He will empower you to make your way bravely through extraordinary difficulty with faith, hope, and love. The trials God permits in your life will lead to His praise and glory, if only you will abide in Him.

Furthermore, there will be a restraint and a respite. The Hebrew text is somewhat obscure in Psalm 76:10. Literally it reads, "Surely the wrath of man will praise You; the remnant of wrath [˝God] will bind." God will use men's wrath to bring glory and praise to Himself, but when that purpose is fulfilled He will then restrain it.

God will not allow you to be pressed beyond endurance. That is His sure promise. When the lesson has been learned, when the revelation of God's glory is complete and your soul has been tried and proven__then God will raise His hand and save you. He will say, "No more."
__David Roper

`````````````When He leads through some valley of trouble,`````````
`````````````````````His omnipotent hand we trace;``````````````
``````````````````For the trials and sorrows He sends us```````````
````````````````Are part of His lessons in grace. __Anon.``````````

In every desert of trial,
God has an oasis of comfort.

******************Today's Bible Reading __ Psalm 76**************

1 In Judah God is known;
His name is great in Israel.

2 In Salem also is His
tabernacle, and His
dwelling place in Zion.

3 There He broke the arrows
of the bow, the shield and
sword of battle.

4 You are more glorious
and excellent than the
mountains of prey. 5 The
stouthearted were
plundered; they have sunk
into their sleep; and none of
the mighty men have found
the use of their hands. 6 At
Your rebuke, O God of
Jacob, both the chariot and
hourse were cast into a dead

7 You, Youself, are to be
feared; and who may stand
in Your presence when once
You are angry? 8 You
caused jdugment to be
heard from heaven; the
earth feared and was still,

9 When God arose to
judgment, to deliver all the
oppressed of the earth.

10 Surely the wrath of man
shall praise You; with the
remainder of wrath You
shall gird Yourself.

11 Make vows to the LORD
your God, and pay them; let
all who are around Him
bring presents to Him who
ought to be feared. 12 He
shall cut off the spirit of
[princes; He is awesome to
the kings of the earth.


This song of victory celebrates a mighty deliverance from Israel's
enemy. Scholars point to the mysterious and miraculous defeat of
the Assyrian amy when Sennacherib attacked Jerusalem during the
reign of Hezekiah (2 Kings 19:32-37; Isa. 37:33-37). Theologians
believe that Psalms 46, 48, and 75 were also written with this
historical backdrop. In this psalm, God's people are safe because
God is with them (vv.1-2). __Sim Kay Tee
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