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Postby cimi » Thu Jul 03, 2008 3:45 pm

July 3


Numbers 13:26-33

Be anxious for nothing,
but in everything, by
prayer and supplication,
with thanksgiving, let
your requests be made
known to God.
__Philippians 4:6

Whenever a preacher begins to talk about worry, I sense a pair of eyes staring at me. Without even turning my head, I know that my husband is looking at me to see if I'm paying attention.

I hate to admit it, but I'm a worrier. And precisely because there are a lot of people just like me, Jesus addressed this problem in Matthew 6:25-34 when He said: "Do not worry," Don't worry about the basic needs of life__food, clothing, shelter__and don't worry about tomorrow.

Worry may be a symptom of a bigger problem. Sometimes it's a lack of gratitude for the way God has cared for us in the past. Or perhaps it's a lack of faith that God really is trustworthy. Or it may be a refusal to depend on God instead of ourselves.

Some people expand the worry circle to their families, friends, and churches. They're a lot like the 10 spies in Numbers 13:26-33 who spread their fear and doubt to everyone else. But those who put their trust in God alone can stand alongside Joshua and Caleb, the only ones in the group of 12 whom God allowed to enter the Promised Land.

Don't let worries hold you back from what God may be trying to teach you. He invites you to bring your anxious thoughts directly to Him (Phl. 4:6). __Cindy Hess Kasper

``````````````````When you feel the tension mounting,`````````````
```````````````````````And across the busy day`````````````````
`````````````````````Only gloomy clouds are drifting,`````````````
``````````````````As you start to worry__pray! __Anon.```````````

To be anxious about nothing,
pray about everything.

***************Today's Bible Reading __ Numbers 13:26-33*********

26 Now they departed and
came back o Moses and
Aaron and all the
congregation of the children
of Israel in the Wilderness of
Paran, at Kadesh; they
brought back word to them
and to all the congregation,
and showed the fruit of
the land. 27 Then they told
him, and said: "We went to
the land where you sent us.
It truly flows with miilk and
honey, and this is its fruit.

28 Nevertheless the people
who dwell in the land are
strong; the cities are fortified
and very large; moreover we
saw the descendants of Anak
there. 29 The Amalikites
dwell in land the of the
South; the Hittites, the
Jebusites, and the Amorites
dwell in the mountains; and
the Canaanites dwell by the
sea and along the banks of
the Jordan.

30 Then Caleb quieted the
people before Moses, and
said, "Let us go up at once
and take possession, fore we
are well able to overcome it."

31 But the men who had
gone up with him said, "We
are not able to go up against
the people, for they are
stronger than we." 32 And
they gave the children of
Israel a bad report of the
land which they had spied
out, saying, "The land
through which we have gone
as spies is a land that
devours its inhabitants, and
all the people whom we saw
in it are men of great stature.

33 There we saw the giants
(the descendants of Anak
came from the giants); and
we were like grasshoppers in
our own sight, and so we
were in their sight."


Smiths's Bible Dictionary describes the Amalekites (v.29) as "a nomadic
tribe, which occupied the peninsula of Sinai and the wilderness
intervening between the southern hill-ranges of Palestine and the
border of Egypt." They became enemies of the Israelites, resisting
Israel's return to the land of Canaan from Egypt. __Bill Crowder
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