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Postby cimi » Sun Jun 22, 2008 1:41 pm

June 22



Do all things without
complaining and
__Philippians 2:14

During my first week of Bible college, we had several days of orientation in which we were given a rule book to study. Several days later, during a meeting to discuss those rules, one student stood up and asked, "What is 'no gripping'? And why is it against the rules?"

He was referring to a statement in the rule book he had misread. Instead of "gripping," it read "griping" __complaining or grumbling.

A rule against griping is perfectly understandable. The cancer of a complaining spirit can undermine the spiritual and emotional health of an individual and can infect an entire group. This can result in discontent, frustration, and even rebellion.

Moses heard griping among God's people a mere 3 days after leading them from slavery into freedom (Ex. 15;24). Centuries later, Samuel felt the weight of griping as he sought to represent God to his generation (1 Sam. 8:4-9).

A complaining spirit can destroy the effectiveness of a church too. Paul wrote to the church at Philippi, "Do all things without complaining and disputing" (Phil. 2:14).

We need to avoid a complaining spirit when serving Christ. Instead, rejoice and thank God for all He has done! No griping allowed.
__Bill Crowder

``````````When things go wrong, I would not be a grumbler,`````````
```````````````Complaining, seeing everything as grim;````````````
```````````For when I think of how the Lord has blessed me,`````````
``````````I cannot help but give my praise to Him. __Hess```````````

when you feel like griping,
start counting your blessings.

*************Today's Bible Reading __ Philippians 2:12-18***********

12 Therefore, my beloved,
as you have always obeyed,
not as in my presence only,
but now much more in my
absence, work out your own
salvation with fear and
trembling; 13 for it is God
who works in you both to
will and to do for His good

14 Do all things without
complaining and disputing,

15 that you may become
blameless and harmless,
children of God without
fault in the midst of a
crooked and perverse
generation, among whom
you shine as lights in the
world, 16 holding fast the
word of life, so that I may
rejoice in the day of Christ
that I have not run in vain
or labored in vain. 17 Yes,
and if I am being poured
out as a drink offering on
the sacrifice and service of
your faith, I am glad and
rejoice with you all. 18 for
the same reason you also be
glad and rejoice with me.


Today's Bible passage begins with the word therefore, thus
connecting this section to the previous teaching on humility (2:1-4)
and the need to follow Christ's example (vv.5-11). As Christians we
have the responsibility to live out our faith, but it is God who gives
this desire and enables and empowers us. Paul describes Christlike
followers as obedient children of the Father (v.15), shining stars in
a darkened world (v.15), and runners completing the race (v.16).
__Sim Kay Tee
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