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Postby cimi » Sat Jun 21, 2008 1:48 pm

June 21


Psalm 104:24-35

Break forth in song,
rejoice, and sing
__Psalm 98:4

Why do birds sing? Bird sing "because they can and because they must," says David Rothenberg, a professor at the new Jersey Institute of Technology. "Songs are used to attract mates and defend territories, but the form is much more than function. Nature is full of beauty, and of music."

Birds sing because they have a syrinx instead of a larynx. The syrinx is the bird's voice box, an organ that lies deep in a bird's chest and is uniquely fashioned for song. That, at least, is the natural explanation for their gift.

But I ask again, why do birds sing? Because their Creator put a song in their hearts. Each bird is "heaven's high and holy muse," said John Donne, created to draw our hearts up to our Creator. They are reminders that He has given us a song that we may sing His praise.

So when you hear God's little hymn-birds singing their hearts out, remember to sing your own song of salvation. Lift up your voice--harmonious, hoarse, or harsh--and join with them in praise to our creator, Redeemer, and Lord.

The birds of the air "sing among the branches," Israel's poet observes. "[Therefore} I will sing to the LORD as long as I live; I will sing praise to my God while I have my being" (Ps. 104:12,33). __David Roper

```````````````````Field and forest, vale and mountain,````````````
``````````````````````Flowery meadow, flashing sea,`````````````
`````````````````````Chanting bird and flowing fountain````````````
```````````````````Call us to rejoice in Thee. __Van Dyke``````````

All creation sings God's praise.

**************Today's Bible Reading __ Psalm 104:24-35************

24 O LORD, how manifold
are Your works! In wisdom
You have made them all.
The earth is full of Your
possessions__ 25 This great
and wide sea, in which are
innumerable teeming
things, living things both
small and great. 26 There the
ships sail about; there is
that Leviathan which You
have made to play there.

27 These all wait for You,
that You may give them
their food in due season.

28 What You give them they
gather in; You open Your
hand, they are filled with
good. 29 You hide Your face,
they are troubled; You take
away their breath, they die
and return to their dust.

30 You send forth Your
Spirit, they are created; and
You renew the face of the

31 May the glory of the
LORD endure forecer; may
the LORD rejoice in His
works. 32 He looks on the
earth, and it trembles; He
touches the hills, and they

33 I will sing to the LORD
as long as I live; I will sing
praise to my God while I
have my being. 34 May my
meditation be sweet to
Him; I will be glad in the
LORD. 35 May sinners be
consumed from the earth,
and the wicked be no more.

Bless the LORD, O my
soul! praise the LORD!


Psalm 104 is a praise song glorifying God the Creator. The psalmist
sings of the power and greatness of God (vv.1-9) and how He cares
for and sustains His creation (vv.10-23). In today's passage (vv.24-
35), the psalmist marvels at God's wondrous creation and praises
Him as the Lord of life, death, and renewal (vv.29-30).
__Sim Kay Tee
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Location: Washington

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