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Postby cimi » Wed May 28, 2008 4:07 pm

May 28


Psalm 119:41-48

Be doers of the Word, and not hearers only,
decieving yourselves.
__James 1:22

A fascinating film made in 1950, The Next Voice You Hear, tells a story of a family with a typical amount of trials and tensions. Then, one night, the voice of God speaks on the radio. But not just their radio--God's voice is heard throughout the world on every radio, saying the same thing at the same time.

At first people react with disbelief, then fear. After several days of hearing "The voice," however, people's attitudes, actions, and priorities begin to change. The impact of what God is saying directly affects how they live their lives.

I have heard people say, "If only God would talk to me! If He would just tell me what to do, I would do it." The simple fact is that God has already spoken to us through His Word, the Bible. Do we listen to Him as He speaks?

The psalmist desired to obey God's Word "continually, forever and ever" (119:44). and James warned about ignoring it when he said, "Be doers of the Word, and not hearers only, deceiving yourselves" (James 1:22).

How would you respond if God began to speak to you on your radio? We can be thankful that God does speak to us--not on the radio but in the Scriptures. May we be wise enough to listen and obey. __Bill Crowder

`````````````````Instill within my heart, dear Lord,````````````````
`````````````````A deep desire to know Your Word;```````````````
`````````````````I want to learn to hear Your voice````````````````
`````````So that Your will becomes my choice. __D. De Haan`````````

In God's works we see His hand;
in His Word we hear His heart

***************Today's Bible Reading __ Psalm 119:41-48***********

41 Let Your mercies come
also to me, O LORD__Your
salvation according to Your
Word. 42 So shall I have an
answer for him who
reproaches me, for I trust in
Your Wrod. 43 And take not
the word of truth utterly out
of my mouth, for I have
hoped in Your ordinances.

44 So shall I keep Your law
continually, forever and
ever. 45 And I will walk at
liberty, for I seek Your
precepts. 46 I will speak of
Your testimonies also
before kings, and will not
be ashamed. 47 And I will
delight myself in Your
commandments, which I
love. 48 My hands also I
will lift up to Your
commandments, which I
love, and I will meditate on
Your statutes.


Psalm 119 is an expressin of praise and celebration for the Word of
God. In each stanza, the psalmist either calls us to see strong reasons
for highly valuing God's Word, to have strong responses to the truths
contained in the Scriptures, or both. In this stanza, notice how many
times David uses the first person ("I") to describe his own response
to the Word. It includes having answer (v.42), trust (v.42), hope
v.43), obedience (v.44), pursuit (v.45), witness (v.47),
love (v.47), actions (v.48, "Hands"), and contemplation (v.48). In all
these ways, David longed to see the wisdom of the Bible enacted in
his own walk with God. --Bill Crowder
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Location: Washington

Postby foreverHis » Thu May 29, 2008 12:39 am

Hi Cimi..thank you so much for being so faithful in spreading the word of God here..God Bless you sis
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Hi ForeverHis

Postby cimi » Thu May 29, 2008 4:07 pm

Your welcome:)
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Posts: 2622
Location: Washington

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