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Postby cimi » Wed May 21, 2008 3:20 pm

May 21


Psalm 119:16

Your word I have
hidden in my heart.
__Psalm 119:11

My wife and I stayed up late to watch a TV program we found exciting-the Scripps National Spelling Bee. It was fascinating to watch middle-school children as they recited the correct spelling for some of the most difficult words imaginable.

Anticipation grew as one contestant after another was disqualified. Finally, only 13-year-old Katharine Close remained. One word stood between her and the world championship. With little hesitation, Katharine correctly spelled the word ursprache.

Obviously, Katharine can spell! But it's possible to know how to spell a word, yet not understand its meaning.

As believers in Jesus Christ, it's vital for us to know God's Word, the Bible. Our goal is not to accumulate knowledge but to internalize His Word so that we can be equipped in our walk of faith.

When we know God's Word, it keeps our spiritual walk from slipping (Ps. 37:31). It satisfies the hunger of our souls (Jer. 15:16). And it is a key weapon in facing temptations and trials (Matt. 4:1-11; Eph. 6:10-18).

Let's make it our aim to know the Word. Then, when facing life's challenge, we can be ready for any situation (2 Tim. 3:16-17).
__Dennis Fisher

````````````````My hunger for the truth He satisfies;```````````````
``````````````Upon the Word, the Living Bread, I feed:`````````````
````````````No parching thirst I know, because His grace,```````````
````````A pool of endless depth, supplies my need. __Sanders````````

To the wise, God's Word is sufficient.

****************Today's Bible Reading __ Psalm 119:9-16***********

9 How can a young man
cleanse his way? By taking
heed according to your
Word. 10 With my whole
heart I have sought You; oh,
let me not wander from
Your commandments!

11 Your Word I have hidden
in my heart, that I might not
sin against You. 12 Blessed
are You, O LORD! Teach me
Your statutes. 13 With my
lips I have declared all the
judgments of Your mouth.

14 I have rejoiced in the way
of Your testimonies, as
much as in all riches. 15 I
will meditate on Your
precepts, and contemplate
Your ways. 16 I will delight
myself in Your statutes; I
will not forget your word.


Psalm 119 is the longest psalm. It has 176 verses and is a
personal prayer for help. Oppressed and persecuted by powerful
enemies who scorned and ridiculed his beliefs in the Word of
God (vv.23, 157, 161), the unnamed psalmist finds great strength
and much comfort by trusting, keeping and meditating on the
Scriptures. God is mentioned in every verse of this psalm. The Word
of God is mentioned in all but five verses and is referred to as: the
law of the Lord (v.1), testimonies (v.2), ways (v.3), precepts (v.4),
statutes (v.5), commandments (v.6), judgments (v.7), and Word (v.9).
In today's passage we are told that victory over sin is experienced
only when we take heed to the Word (v.9), hide it in our heart
(v.11), meditate on it, contemplate it, and delight in it (vv.15-16).
__Sim Kay Tee
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Location: Washington

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