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Postby cimi » Sun May 18, 2008 8:50 pm

May 18


Genesis 32:22-30

Jacob was left alone;
and a Man wrestled
with him until the
breaking of day.
__Genesis 32:24

In Genesis, it seems that almost every person and family mentioned is dysfunctional. The text is filled with accounts of jealousy, anger, violence, and deception that leave a trail of damaged relationships. Even Noah, Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob--lauded as heroes of faith in Hebrews 11--display flawed character and spiritual lapses. But God never leaves them that way.

Jacob defrauded his older twin Esau, who swore to kill him (Gen. 27:41). Then, before the estranged brothers wold face each other after 20 years, Jacob wrestled with God. When asked his name, the conniving younger brother finally admitted who he was: Jacob--the deceiver (Gen. 32:24-27). That marked a spiritual turning point.

Noted preacher Carlyle Marney said that because God doesn't give up n on us, we should not give up on ourselves. "The last person on earth you will forgive a weakness is yourself," Dr. Marney wrote. "Only in the gospel can men go on loving themselves. Wait on God! See what His strong hands will fashion out of your defection."

When we have turned back, God can turn us around. When we have destroyed, God can rebuild. "Christ in the strong hands of God conquering my defection. This is the gospel." __David McCasland

````````````````Though weak and helpless in life's fray`````````````
```````````````God's mighty power shall be our stay;``````````````
```````````````````Without, within, He'll set us free--``````````````
`````````````His strength will give us victory. __D. De Haan`````````

There is victory in surrender
when we are conquered by Christ.

****************Today's Bible Reading __ Genesis 32:22-30********

22 And he arose that night
and took his two wives, his
two female servants, and
his eleven sons, and crossed
over the ford of Jabbok.

23 He took them, sent them
over the brook, and sent
over what he had. 24 Then
Jacob was left alone; and a
Man wrestled with him
until the breaking of day.

25 Now when He saw that
He did not prevail against
him, He touched the socket
of his hip; and the socket of
Jacob's hip was out of joint
as he wrestled with him.

26 And He said, "Let Me go,
for the day breaks."

But he said, "I will not let
You go unless You bless

27 So He said to him,
"What is your name?"
He said, "Jacob."

28 And He said, "Your
name shall no longer be
called Jacob, but Israel; for
you have struggled with
God and with men, and
have prevailed."

29 Then Jacob asked,
saying, "Tell me Your
name, I pray."

And He said, "Why is it
that you ask about My
name?" And He blessed
him there.

30 So Jacob called the
name of the place Peniel:
"For I have seen God face
to face, and my life is preserved."


In the Bible, names matter, and here we find three names of interest.
The first is Jacob, meaning "heel holder" or "supplanter," referring
to the birth of Jacob and his twin brother, Esau. At birth, Jacob
grabbed Esau's heel--a harbinger of his adult manipulations that
would take Esau's birthright and his father's blessing. The second
name is Israel. This name means "God prevails" to remind Jacob
that God's purposes, not Jacob's manipulations, will win the day.
The final name is Peniel. This name means "facing God," for in that
place Jacob had faced God and lived. __Bill Crowder
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