Hosted by Cimi ... In this forum, our friend Cimi shares with us some awesome messages of love and faith intended to be shared with all Christians.


Postby cimi » Mon May 12, 2008 7:00 pm

May 12


Psalm 78:1-8

That they may arise and
declare [God's law] to
their children, that they
may set their hope in
God. __Psalm 78:6-7

In 19th-century Scotland, a young mother observed her 3-year-old son's inquisitive nature. It seemed he was curious about everything that moved or made a noise. James Clerk Maxwell would carry his boyhood wonder with him into a remarkable career in science. He went on to do groundbreaking work in electricity and magnetism. Years later, Albert Einstein would say of Maxwell's work that it was "the most fruitful that physics has experienced since the time of Newton."

From early childhood, religion touched all aspects of Maxwell's life. As a committed Christian, he prayed: "Teach us to study the works of Thy hands... and strengthen our reason for Thy service." The boyhood cultivation of Maxwell's spiritual life and curiosity resulted in a lifetime of using science in service to the Creator.

The community of faith has always had the responsibility to nurture the talent of the younger generation and to orient their lives to the Lord, "that they may arise and declare [God's law] to their children, that they may set their hope in God" Ps. 78:6-7).

Finding ways to encourage children's love for learning while establishing them in the faith is an important investiment in the future. __Dennis Fisher

`````````````````Our children are a gift from God`````````````````
```````````````````On loan from heaven above,``````````````````
``````````````````To train and nourish in the Lord,````````````````
``````````````````And show to them His love. __Sper``````````````


We shape tomorrow's world
by what we teach our children today.

****************Today's Bible Reading __Psalm 78:1-8*************

1 Give ear, O my people,
to my law; incline your ears
to the words of my mouth.

2 I will open my mouth in a
parable; I will utter dark
sayings of old, 3 which we
have heard and known, and
our fathers have told us.

4 We will not hide them
from their children, telling
to the generation to come
the praises of the LORD, and
His strength and His
wonderful works that He
has done.

5 For He established a
testimony in Jacob, and
appointed a law in Israel,
which He commanded our
fathers, that they should
make them known to their
children; 6 that the
generation to come might
know them, the children
who would be born, that
they may arise and declare
them to their children,

7 That they may set their
hope in God, and not forget
the works of God, but keep
His commandments; 8 and
may not be like their
fathers, a stubborn and
rebellious generation, a
generation that did not set
its heart aright, and whose
spirit was not faithful to


Psalm 78 reminds us that a child's future capacity for serving the
Lord is incalculable. The Old Testament account of the boy Samuel
provides an example of this. He was dedicated to the Lord's service
by his mother, Hannah. From an early age he heard the voice of God
and responded to it. "Now the LORD came and stood and called as
at other times "Samuel! samuel!' and samuel answered, 'Speak, for
Your servant hears' " (1 sam. 3:10). In adulthood he would anoint
two kings of Israel and be the voice of God as spiritual advisor to a
nation. __Dennis Fisher
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