I thought some might like this : "The Prodigal's Story

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I thought some might like this : "The Prodigal's Story

Postby cimi » Wed Apr 30, 2008 2:34 pm


*PraiseGod* *PraiseGod*

A beautiful perspective on forgiveness is given to us in Jesus' well-known story of the prodigal son (Luke 15:11-32). Here we see evidence of:

A REPENTANT HEART. The prodigal son demonstrated a repentant heart that was broken when he came to his senses and decided to return home. Repentance is a brokenness and change of life-direction marked by:

. HUNGER FOR RESTORATION. He longed for something more
than what he had available to him in his sin (vv.16-17).

. HUMBLE CONFESSION. He willingly acknowledged his self-
ish violation of love toward God and others (vv.18-19).

. PLEA FOR MERCY. He recognized that he deserved noth-
ing and pleaded for mercy, without a demand for restora-
tion to his previous position in the family (v.21).

A FORGIVING HEART. It is the father in the story who represents the unexpected forgiving heart of God in response to genuine repentance that is marked by:

. HOPEFUL ANTICIPATION. The father never gave up hoping
for his son's repentance and return home. He persevered
in prayer and looked intently for the day when he would
see the familiar form of his son on the horizon (v.20).

. COURAGEOUS LOVE. The father was willing to humble
himself and not conform to the cultural mandate of his
day to make his son grovel in the dirt. Instead, in a spon-
taneous act of love, he ran to embrace his son (.20).

GRACIOUS MERCY. Forgiveness was joyfully granted
because he sensed the repentance in the heart of his son,
and he restored him to a position of sonship (v.22).

. CELEBRATION OF REPENTANCE. The father planned a party
to celebrate the return of his son (vv.23-24).

AN UNFORGIVING HEART. The older son (representative of
the Pharisees who were listening to the parable) is a study
in the stubborn refusal to forgive characterized by:

. HARDNESS. There was an unwillingness on his part to
consider restoration of his younger foolish brother. He
was outraged that his father would still want a relation-
ship with a son who had so deeply offended him (v.28).

. DEMAND OF REVENGE. His focus was only on immedi-
ately punishing his brother for what he had done rather
than focusing on what had changed in his heart. He had
no mercy and no desire for reconciliation (vv.28-30).

. ARROGANT REFUSAL TO CELEBRATE. The older son withheld
relationship from both his brother and his father (v.28).
He missed an opportunity for joy and celebration because
he was preoccupied with himself. He missed the loving
heart of the father that longs for restoration. Instead, he
angrily withdrew in self-justified indignation and smug-
ness over being right.

The refusal to forgive indicates a rebellious, stubborn heart that has not drunk deeply of the water of grace and mercy at the well of God's forgiveness (Luke 7:47).

Our unwillingness to love those who have harmed us reflects our own failure to understand how much God has loved us. The apostle Peter reminded us of this in 2 Peter 1:5-7. After describing seven graces which culminate in godliness, brotherly kindness, and love he added, "For if these things are yours and abound, you will be neither barren nor unfruitful in the knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ. For he who lacks these things is short-sighted, even to blindness, and has forgotten that he was cleansed from his old sins" (vv.8-9).

Adapted from When Forgiveness Seems Impossible 1994, 2001
RBC Ministries. Read it on the web at ----------------------------
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Postby Mackenaw » Fri May 02, 2008 4:35 pm

Hello Cimi *hug*

Thank you, Cimi, for posting this message here for our convenience -- it's a real blessing. :)

I really enjoyed this message and the author's insight into the story of The Prodigal Son. The Holy Spirit is so Good to give us understanding.

God bless you, Cimi.
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