Hosted by Cimi ... In this forum, our friend Cimi shares with us some awesome messages of love and faith intended to be shared with all Christians.


Postby cimi » Tue Apr 22, 2008 6:01 pm

April 21


1 Cor. 6:12-20

You were bought at a
price; therefore glorify
God in your body and
in your spirit.
__1 Corinthians 6:20

Long before the US professional baseball season begins each spring, team owners and managers are busy negotiating trades and contracts. They'll pay large sums of money to get the athlete who will help them win the championship. When the season starts, all eyes are on the newly acquired talent to see if he was worth the cost. The ultimate measure of the player's success is whether his contribution to the team is a good return on the investment.

In 1 Corinthians 6:20, Paul reminds us that we too have been "bought at a price." The context paints a compelling picture of christ's great sacrifice. He liberated us from the cruel slave-master of sin by buying us with the high price of His own life.

Getting a grip on God's great and loving investment in us should motivate us to gladly consider making His sacrifice rich in dividends. How is that return on His investment measured? By living to bring glory to Him! Our eyes, hands, feet, throughts, dreams, and desires have been purchased to reflect the wondrous glory of God's will and wisdom. In other words, we are no longer our own.

Paul concluded, "Therefore glorify God in your body" (v.20). Living to reflect His glory is the return on investment that makes the Owner of our lives look good! __Joe Stowel

``````````````````Redemption's price our savior paid``````````````
``````````````````When all our sins on him were laid;`````````````
`````````````````He took our guilt, He bore our shame`````````````
`````````````~That we may glorify His name. __D. De Haan``````````

Our choice to bring glory to God
yields a great return on Christ's investment.

************Today's Bible Reading __ 1 Corinthians 6:12-2***********

12 All things are lawful for
me, but all things are not
helpful. All things are
lawful for me, but I will not
be brought under the power
of any. 13 Foods for the
stomach and the stomach
for foods, but God will
destroy both it and them.
Now the body is not for
sexual immorality but for
the Lord, and the Lord for
the body. 14 and God both
raised up the Lord and will
also raise us up by His
power. 15 do you not know
that your bodies are
members of Christ? Shall I
then take the members of
christ and make them
members of a harlot?
Certainly not! 16 Or do you
not know that he who is
joined to harlot is one
body with her? for "the
two," He says, "shall
become one flesh." 17 But
he who is joined to the
Lord is one spirit with Him.

18 Flee sexual immorality.
Every sin that a man does is
outside the body, but he
who commits sexual
immorality sins against his
own body. 19 Or do you not
know that your body is the
temple of the Holy Spirit
who is in you, whom you
have from God, and you are
not your own? 20 for you
were bought at a price;
therefore glorify God in
your body and in your
spirit, which are God's.


To the question "What is the chief end of man?" the Westminster
Shorter Catechism replies, "Man's chief end is to glorify God, and
to enjoy Him forever." The next question asks: "What rule has God
given to direct us how we may glorify and enjoy Him?" Answer:
"The Word of the only rule to direct us how we may
glorify and enjoy Him." __Sim Kay Tee
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