Rooted and Grounded in Love

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Rooted and Grounded in Love

Postby Domo1364 » Tue Apr 08, 2008 7:50 am

Rooted and Grounded in Love

Ephesians 3:17 I pray that Christ may make His home in your hearts through your faith; so that having your roots deep and your foundations strong, in love, you may become mighty to grasp the idea,
Rooted - Rizoo/hri-zo-o to render firm, to fix, establish
Grounded - Qemelioo/ them-el-ee-o'-o to lay the foundation, to make stable, establish
John Gill - Our love is sometimes weak, and needs establishing; and what serves to root and ground persons in it, are the discoveries of God's love.

God has placed something deep down inside each one of us, a knowledge that we ought to be loved supremely, that we ought to have significance now, that we ought to have a wonderful destiny, and that we ought to be enjoying the process of it all. When the Holy Spirit speaks to us from the Word of God, He touches our hearts with truth concerning God and truth concerning ourselves. We begin to realize that all these longings deep inside of us can be realized as we live in a close relationship with Jesus, listening to Him and obeying His voice. In that way we begin to understand who we are, why we are here, and what our destiny will be in His kingdom. The Holy Spirit has the ability to touch you deeply in such a way that every longing of your heart is met, and He loves to do it! When He touches your heart with the truth of God's love for you, it is the greatest experience of joy we can know until we see Jesus face to face.
What is the central theme of this verse? That through the indwelling of Christ, we may be complete in God's love Rooted and grounded in the truth that nothing can separate us from the love of God which is in Christ Jesus.
What does it say about God? God desires for us to allow Christ to have freedom over our entire being, our entire lives. So that His love may be complete in us making us unshakeable.
What does it say about me? If God's love is to be shed abroad in our hearts, we need to allow the Spirit of our Lord to dwell in us, and establish the truth of just how much God loves us. Then we can know true love and give love in return.
How does it compare to the previous verse? Without full revelation of His love, we are powerless, empty on the inside. The only way His love can penetrate deep into our soul is by the allowing the Lord to dwell inside us, and not restraining Him in any way. Don't give God part of you. He wants all of you.
How can I apply it to my life? Since Jesus dwells in us, we have the Holy Spirit who reveals to us the truth of God's love. Let Him show you how much He loves you by reading His word. Then the Spirit can cause the words to come alive in your heart.
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