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Postby cimi » Fri Apr 04, 2008 2:11 pm

April 4


Proverbs 2:1-9

The LORD gives wisdom;
from His mouth come
knowledge and
__Proverbs 2:6

My friend Krista is struggling with a decision: Should she keep her old car with its continual maintenance problems or buy a newer model? She wants to be a good steward of her finances, and she desires to make a wise decision. And most of all, she wants to honor God.

Financial decisions can be tough to make. Billy Graham even says, "If a person gets his attitude toward money straight, it will help straighten out almost every other area in his life."

Here are a few ideas to consider about wisdom in money matters?

Do a checkup to be sure you're following God's priorities. Are you giving to Him and to others? (1 Cor. 16:2). Taking care of family needs? (1 Tim 5:8). Not letting money control you? (Luke 16:13). Research the topic. Consider all the options and the pros and cons of each one.

Ask God for wisdom. Pray, pray, and pray some more. He will direct you (Prov.2:6).

Trust God and make the decision. Use the knowledge and wisdom you've gained, and commit your decision to Him.

Obedience to God nurtures a growing love-and-trust relationship with Him. What's most important is that we see each decision as an opportunity to draw closer to Him. __Anne Cetas

``````````````````When you're facing a decision``````````````````
``````````````````And it seems a daunting task,``````````````````
```````````````Trust the Lord for true discernment__```````````````
```````````````He'll give wisdom if you ask. __Hess```````````````

The closer we walk with God,
the clearer we see His guidance.

***************Today's Bible Reading __Proverbs 2:1-9*************

1 My son, if you receive
my words, and treasure my
commands within you, 2 so
that you incline your ear to
wisdom, and apply your
heart to understanding;

3 yes, if you cry out for
discernment, and lift up
your voice for under-
standing, 4 if you seek her
as silver, and search for
her as for hidden treasures;

5 then you will understand
the fear of teh LORD, and
find the knowledge of God.

6 For the LORD gives
wisdom; from His mouth
come knowledge and
understanding; 7 He stores
up sound wisdom for the
upright; He is a shield to
those who walk uprightly;

8 He guards the paths of
justice, and preserves the
way of His saints.

9 Then you will understand
righteousness and justice,
equity and every good path.


In Proverbs 2, Solomon is in the midst of a rare (for the book of
Proverbs) extended argument. He is laying groundwork for the wise
sayings that are coming in later chapters by challenging his son to
value and prize wisdom--and to pursue that wisdom with all of
his heart. He discusses this wisdom in verses 1-2, then describes it
further as "discernment" (v.3), the "fear of the Lord" (v.5), and the
"knowledge of God" (v.5). This wisdom is valuable because of its
source--the Lord (v.6)--and its benefits (vv.8-9). __Bill Crowder
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