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Postby cimi » Tue Mar 25, 2008 5:13 pm

March 25


Luke 24:1-12

He is not here, but
is risen!
__Luke 24:6

In his documentary The Lost Tomb of Jesus, Simcha Jacobovici claims archaelogical evidence that disproves the resurrection of Christ. He says that the words "Jesus son of Joseph" found on a burial container near Jerusalem refer to Jesus of Nazareth. He also claims to have identified Jesus' DNA.

How valid are these conclusions? The Israel Antiquities Authority calls them "nonsense." Other secular and religious scholars agree. Jesus and Joseph were common names in first-century Judea. And Jacobovici needs DNA samples from Jesus to compare with the bones in the tomb. Obviously, that's impossible!

But there are strong arguments in favor of Jesus' resurrection. Most compelling is the fact that every disciple except John died a martyr's death. Central to their message was Jesus' resurrection (Acts 2:29-32). If Christ had not been raised from the dead, why did the disciples choose to die rather than deny it?

Assaults on our faith and on the Scriptures come and go. Don't be shaken by these baseless attacks. Two thousand years ago, the disciples were eyewitnesses to the real tomb of Jesus. The angels told them, "Why do you seek the living among the dead? He is not here, but is risen!" (Luke 24:5-6).

__Dennis Fisher

`````````````````Up from the grave He arose,````````````````````
``````````````With a mighty triumph o'er His foes;`````````````````
````````````He arose a Victor from the dark domain,```````````````
````````And He lives forever with His saints to reign. __Lowry`````````

The resurrection is a fact of history
that demands a response of faith.

****************Today's Bible Reading __ Luke 24:1-12*************

1 Now on the first day of
the week, very early in the
morning, they, and certain
other women with them,
came to the tomb bringing
the spices which they had
prepared. 2 But they found
the stone rolled away from
the tomb, 3 Then they went
in and did not find the body
of the Lord Jesus. 4 and it
happened, as they were
greatly prerplexed about
this, that behold, two men
stood by them in shining
garments. 5 Then, as they
were afraid and bowed their
faces to the earth, they said
to them, "Why do you seek
the living among the dead?

6 He is not here, but is
risen! Remember how He
spoke to you when He was
still in Galilee, 7 saying,
'The Son of Man must be
delivered into the hands of
sinful men, and be
crucified, and the third day
rise again.' " 8 And they
remembered His words.

9 Then they returned from
the tomb and told all these
things to the eleven and to
all the rest. 10 It was Mary
Magdalene, Joanna, Mary
the mother of James, and
the other women with them,
who told these things to the
apostles. 11 And their words
seemed to them like idle
tales, and they did not
believe them. 12 But Peter
arose and ran to the tomb;
and stooping down, he saw
the linen cloths lying by
themselves; and he
departed, marveling to
himself at what had


Christ died at 3:00 p.m. (Luke 23:44-46). The Sabbath begins at
6:00 p.m., so Christ's burial was hasty (vv.50-54). The women (Luke
24:10; Matt. 27-56) had intended to come back for a more complete
embalming after the Sabbath (Luke 23:54-56). __SKT
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