Hosted by Cimi ... In this forum, our friend Cimi shares with us some awesome messages of love and faith intended to be shared with all Christians.


Postby cimi » Sat Mar 15, 2008 5:16 pm

March 15


Luke 19:29-40

The Lord has need
of him.
__Luke 19:34

As Jesus approached Jerusalem for the last time, He sent two disciples into the city to bring Him a donkey. He told them, "If anyone asks you, 'Why are you loosing it?' thus you shall say to him, 'Because the Lord has need of it' " (Luke 19:31).

As we approach our sunset years, we may ask ourselves, "Can I still be useful to God? Is there some service I can render that will fill my days with significance? Am i needed?"

Of course you are! God needs you just as He needed the donkey to carry Him through the streets of Jerusalem. He has always needed something or someone to get His work done. He still has useful work for you to do.

Perhaps your work will be one brief task, like the donkey's single act of service. Or it may be some activity that will fully occupy your years until your Master calls you home. It may be an opportunity to share your faith with someone, to intercede for him, or to love him through quiet acts of mercy, friendly visits, or to extend some small courtesy. There will always be something for you to do.

In the meantime, you and I must stand and wait, preparing ourselves through prayer, Bible reading, and quiet listening-ready for the moment that our Lord has need of us.

Will you be ready when He needs you? __David Roper

````````````````I'm available for God to use me,``````````````````
``````````````Available, if God should choose me;`````````````````
`````````Should it be now or then, it doesn't matter when;```````````
`````````I want to see lost souls be born again. __Anthony```````````

God has work for all His children,
regardless of age or ability.

**************Today's Bible Reading __ Luke 19:29-40**************

29 And it came to pass,
when He drew near to
Bethphage and Bethany, at
the mountain called Olivet,
that He sent two of His
disciples, 30 saying, "Go into
the village opposite you,
where as you enter you will
find a colt tied, on which no
one has ever sat. Loose it and
bring it here. 31 and if
anyone asks you, 'Why are
loosing it?' thus you
shall say to him,
Because the Lord has need of it.' "

32 So those who were sent
went their way and found it
just as He had said to them.

33 But as they were loosing
the colt, the owners of it said
to them, "Why are you
loosing the colt?"

34 And they said, "The Lord
has need of him."

35 Then they brought him to
Jesus. and they threw their
own clothes on the colt, and
they set Jesus on him. 36 and
as He went, many spread
their clothes on the road.

37 Then, as He was now
drawing near the descent of
the Mount of Olives, the
whole multitude of the
disciples began to rejoice and
praise God with a loud voice
for all the mighty works they
had seen, 38 saying:

" ' Blessed is the King who
comes in the name of the
LORD!' Peace in heaven and
glory in the highest!"

39 and some of the
Pharisees called to Him from
the crowd, "Teacher, rebuke
Your disciples."

40 But He answered and said
to them, "I tell you that if
these should keep silent, the
stones would immediately
cry out."


Jesus christ rode into Jerusalem on a colt. Not only did this speak
of His humility, it also demonstrated His lordship over creation.
A young donkey has not been trained to bear a rider. Yet this colt
submitted to the Master's authority. __HDF
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