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Postby cimi » Tue Mar 04, 2008 5:10 pm

March 3


Num. 14:1-5,26-27

Do all things without
complaining and
__Philippians 2:14

A pastor in Kansas City gave what seemed to be an impossible challenge to his congregation--to go 21 days without complaining (the amount of time some say it takes to develop a new habit). Special bracelets were distributed to participants as a reminder to live complaint-free lives. A movement was started, and millions of bracelets have been distributed all over the world.

The biblical principle "Do all things without complaining and disputing" (Phil. 2:14) is an important one. The ancient Israelites discovered this when, because of their constant complaining in the wilderness, they were judged by God and not allowed to enter the Promised Land (Num. 14). How can we learn to develop a noncomplaining, positive attitude that will please the Lord?

. By disciplining our thoughts (Rom. 12:2). We need to meditate on Scripture and remember our blessings.

. By confessing our critical spirit and committing ourselves to obedience each time we fail (1 John 1:9).

. By enlisting God's help and the help of others. The Spirit will empower us as we depend on Him (John 14:26).

Because God helps us, doing all things without complaining is not an impossible challenge. __Anne Cetas

````````````````Lord, help me stop complaining```````````````````
````````````````When things don't go my way;````````````````````
```````````````Instead, give me a thankful heart``````````````````
````````````````For all You do each day. __Sper``````````````````

************Today's Bible Reading __ Numbers 14:1-5,26-27*********

1 So all the congregation
lifted up their voices and
cried, and the people wept
that night. 2 And all the
children of Israel
complained against Moses
and Aaron, and the whole
congregation said to them,
"If only we had died in the
land of Egypt! Or if only we
had died in this wilderness!

3 Why has the LORD brought
us to this land to fall by the
sword, that our wives and
children should become
victims? Would it not be
better for us to return to
Egypt?" 4 So they said to
one another, "Let us select a
leader and return to Egypt."

5 Then Moses and Aaron
fell on their faces before all
the assembly of the
congregation of the children
of Israel....

26 And the LORD spoke to
Moses and Aaron, saying,

27 "How long shall I bear
with this evil congregation
who complain against Me?
I have heard the complaints
which the children of Israel
make against Me."


Aaron is a fascinationg character. He was Moses' brother and co-
worker, and the first high priest of Israel. But here is more. His
life was characterized by inconsistency, much like Simon Peter in
the New Testament. Aaron stood by Moses in confronting Pharaoh
but created a golden calf at the base of Sinai. He was protected by
God when attacked by false priests, but he was judged with Moses
for disobedience at Meribah (Num. 20:12-13). Like Peter, Aaron
reminds us of the importance of a consistent walk with the Lord.
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