Hosted by Cimi ... In this forum, our friend Cimi shares with us some awesome messages of love and faith intended to be shared with all Christians.


Postby cimi » Sun Jan 20, 2008 5:23 pm

January 20


2 Samuel 9

shall eat at my table
like one of the king's
sons. __ 2 Samuel 9:11

A British factory worker and his wife were excited when, after many years of marriage, they discovered they were going to have their first child. According to author Jill Birscoe, who told this story, the man eagerly told his fellow workers that God had answered his prayers. But they made fun of him for asking God for a child.

When the baby was born, he was diagnosed with Down syndrome. As the father made his way to work for the first time after the birth, he wondered how to face his co-workers. "God, please give me wisdom," he prayed. Just as he feared, some mocked, "So, God gave you this child!" The new father stood for a long time, silently asking God for help. At last he said, "I'm glad the Lord gave this child to me and not to you."

As this man accepted his disabled son as God's gift to him, so David was pleased to show kindness to Jonathan's son, who was "lame in his feet" (2 Sam. 9:3). Some may have disregarded Mephibosheth because he was lame, or because he was from Saul's household, but David's action showed that he valued him greatly.

In God's eyes, every person is important. He sent His only Son to die for us. May we remember with gratitude how much He values each human life. __ Dave Branon

~~~~~~~~~~Lord, may we see in those we meet~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
~~~~~~~~~~~~The imprint of Your image fair,~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
~~~~~~~~~~~~and may their special dignity~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
~~~~~~Grow stronger from our love and care. __ D. De Haan~~~~~~~

Everyone is valuable to God.

*************Today's Bible Reading __2 Samuel 9******************

1 Now David said, "Is there
still anyone who is left of the
house of Saul, that I may
show him kindness for
Jonathan's sake?"

2 And there was a servant of
the house of Saul whose
name was Ziba. So when
they had called him to
David, the king said...,

3 "Is there not still someone
of the house of saul, to
whom I may show the
kindness of God?" and ziba
said to the king, "There is
still a son of Jonathan who is
lame in his feet."...

6 Now when Mephibosheth
the son of Jonathan, the son
of Saul, had come to David,
he fell on his face.... 7 so
David said to him, "Do not
fear, for I will surely show
you kindess for Jonathan
your father's sake..."

8 Then he bowed himself,
and said, "What is your
servant, that you should look
upon such a dead dog as I?'

9 And the king called to
Ziba, Saul's servant, and said
to him, "I have given to your
master's son all that
belonged to Saul and to all
his house. 10 You therefore,
and your sons and your
servants, shall work the land
for him, and you shall bring
in the harvest....But
Mephibosheth your master's
son shall eat bread at my
table always." ...

13 So Mephibosheth dwelt in
Jerusalem, for he ate
continually at the king's
table. And he was lame in
both his feet.


The Greek New Testament word for love means "to esteem" or "to
value." Human beings have great value because they are created in
the image of God (Gen. 2:7) and are offered redemption through the
priceless sacrifice of Christ's shed blood (Eph. 1:7). __HDF
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