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Postby cimi » Mon Feb 02, 2015 9:49 pm

February 2


1 Chronicles 16:7-14
Oh, give thanks to
the LORD!
__1 Chronicles 16:8

According to a prominent Duke University Medical Center researcher, "If thankfulness were a drug, it would be the world's best-selling product with [health benefits] for every major organ system."

For some, being thankful means simply living with a sense of gratitude__taking time to recognize and focus on the things we have, instead of the things we wish we had. The Bible takes the idea of thankfulness to a deeper level. The act of giving thanks causes us to recognize the One who provides our blessing (James 1:17).

David knew that God was responsible for the safe delivery of the ark of the covenant in Jerusalem (1 Chron.15:26). As a result, he penned a song of gratitude that centered on God instead of simply expressing his delight in an important event. The ballad began: "Oh, give thanks to the LORD! Call upon His name; make known His deeds among the peoples!" (16:8). David's song went on to rejoice in God's greatness, highlighting God's salvation, creative power, and mercy (vv.25-36).

Today we can be truly thankful by worshiping the Giver instead of the gifts we enjoy. Focusing on the good things in our lives may benefit our bodies, but directing our thanks to God benefits our souls. __Jennifer Benson Schuldt

``````````````````````Gratitude is our natural response to God's grace.````````````````````
```````````````````````Nothing so takes the heart out of a person as`````````````````````
`````````````````````ingratitude. Gratitude is not only the greatest of```````````````````
`````````````````````virtues, but the parent of all the others. __Cicero```````````````````
True thanksgiving emphasizes the Giver
rather than the gifts.

**************************Today's Bible Reading __ 1 Chronicles 16:7-14***********************

7 On that day David first
delivered this psalm into the
hand of Asaph and his
brethren, to thank the LORD:

8 Oh, give thanks to the
LORD! Call upon His name;
make known His deeds
among the peoples! 9 Sing
to Him, sing psalms to
Him; talk of all His
wondrous works! 10 Glory
in His holy name; let the
hearts of those rejoice who
seek the LORD! 11 seek the
LORD and His strength;
seek His face evermore!

12 Remember His marvelous
works which He has done,
his wonders, and the
judgments of His mouth,

13 O seed of Israel His
servant, you children of
Jacob, His chosen ones!

14 He is the LORD our God;
His judgments are in tall the


The ark of the covenant, the symbol of God's covenant and presence
with His people (Ex. 25:17-22), was neglected by Saul and left
abandoned in the Benjamite town of Kirjath Jearim for 20 years
(1 Sam. 7:2). After David became king, one of the first things he did
was to bring the ark back to Jerusalem (1 Chron. 13:3-14; 15:1-28;
2 Sam. 6:1-3). To commemorate the ark's return, David composed
a song of worship celebrating God's presence and exalting God's
power (1 Chron. 16:8-36). Asaph (v.7) was one of David's three
music directors (see 1 Chron. 25:1) who sounded the bronze
cymbals as the ark was moved into Jerusalem (15:16-19).
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