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Postby cimi » Tue Sep 09, 2014 10:35 pm

September 9


1 Samuel 28:5-6,

Possums are known for their ability to play dead. When this happens, the possum's body wilts, its tongue flops out, and its heart rate declines. After about 15 minutes, the animal revives. Interestingly, animal experts do not believe that possums purposefully play dead to evade predators. They faint involuntarily when they become overwhelmed and anxious!

King Saul had a similar response to danger at the end of his reign. Saul "fell full length on the ground, and was dreadfully afraid....And there was no strength in him" (1 Sam. 28:20). He responded this way when the prophet Samuel told him that the Philistines would attack Israel on the next day, an that the Lord was not going to help him. Because Saul's life had been characterized by disobedience, rashness, and jealousy, God was no longer guiding him (v.16), and his efforts to defend himself and the Israelites would be futile (v.19).

We may be in a place of weakness and despair because of our rebellion or because of the difficulties of life. Although anxiety can steal our strength, God can renew it as we lean on Him (Isa. 40:31). He "neither faints nor is weary" (v.28), and He is willing to reach down and revive us when we can't take another step. __Jennifer Benson Schuldt

``````````````````````````````Jesus, you mean the world to me.```````````````````````
````````````````````````Your are my life and my all. I'm thankful for```````````````````
````````````````````````the strength that You give from day to day.````````````````````
```````````````````````````I know that without You I am nothing.``````````````````````
The secret of peace is to give
every anxious care to God.

***********************************Today's Bible Reading __ 1 Samuel 28:5-6,15-20****************************

5 When Saul saw the army
of the Philistines, he was
afraid, and his heart
trembled greatly. 6 And
when Saul inquired of the
LORD, the LORD did not
answer him....

15 Now Samuel said to
Saul, "Why have you
disturbed me by bringing
me up?"

And Saul answered, "I am
deeply distressed; for the
Philistines make war
against me, and God has
departed from me and does
not answer me anymore,
neither by prophets nor by
dreams. Therefore I have
called you, that you may
reveal to me what I should

16 Then Samuel said: "So
why do you ask me, seeing
the LORD has departed
from you and has become
your enemy? 17 and the
LORD has done for Himself
as He spoke by me. For the
LORD has torn the kingdom
out of your hand and given
it to your
your neighbor, David.

18 Because you did not
obey the voice of the LORD
nor execute His fierce
wrath upon Amalek,
therefore the LORD has
done this thing to you this
day. 19 Moreover the LORD
will also deliver Israel with
you into the hand of the
Philistines. And tomorrow
you and your sons will be
with me. The LORD will
also deliver the army of
Israel into the hand of the

20 Immediately Saul fell
full length on the ground,
and was dreadfully afraid
because of the words of
Samuel. And there was no
strength in him, for he had
eaten no food all day or all
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