Hosted by Cimi ... In this forum, our friend Cimi shares with us some awesome messages of love and faith intended to be shared with all Christians.


Postby cimi » Mon Jul 07, 2014 10:03 pm

July 7


Luke 9:1-6

They departed and went
through the towns,
preaching the gospel
and healing everywhere.
__Luke 9:6

Lauren Kornacki is glad she took that summer CPR class, but she probably never thought she would have to use it so soon and on someone she loves. Her father was repairing his car when the jack slipped and the car fell on him. Lauren, a 22-year-old, reportedly heroically lifted the 3,300-pound car enough to pull him from underneath! then she kept him alive with CPR until the paramedics arrived.

Far greater than Lauren's rescue of her father from the jaws of death is Jesus' rescue of us from the clutches of sin by His death and resurrection. When Jesus sent the 12 disciples to carry out His work, He gave them the assignment to preach the good news of God's desire to rescue people (luke 9:1-6). They would not carry this out in their own strength, but Jesus would lift the heavy burden of people's sin as they taught about Him. Their preaching and healing in Jesus' power and authority proved that Jesus had actually brought God's rule to earth.

Many today are trapped under the weight of sin, but our great God can rescue us from underneath those burdens and then send us into the world to tell others that He can set them free. __Marvin Williams

````````````````````````````THINKING IF OVER`````````````````````````````
````````````Do you know someone who is trapped under the burden````````````
``````````````of sin and needs Jesus' rescue? In what practical````````````````
```````````````ways can you be an active agent of Jesus' love?`````````````````
Those who've been rescued from sin are best able to
help in the rescue of others.

**********************************Today's Bible Reading __ Luke 9:1-6****************************

1 Then He called His
twelve disciples together
and gave them power and
authority over all demons,
and to cure diseases. 2 He
sent them to preach the
kingdom of God and to heal
the sick. 3 And he said to
them, "Take nothing for the
journey, neither staffs nor
bag nor bread nor money;
and do not have two tunics
apiece. 4 Whatever house
you enter, stay there, and
from there depart. 5 and
whoever will not receive
you, when you go out of
that city, shake off the very
dust from your feet as a
testimony against them."

6 So they departed and
went through the towns,
preaching the gospel and
healing everywhere.


Luke records that Jesus gave the disciples "power and authority"
(9:1). He does not relate the specific situations the disciples faced
or the people's reaction to these 12 new miracle workers who
were suddenly working in Israel. Instead, Luke simply found it
important to record, "So they departed and went through the
towns, preaching the gospel and healing everywhere" (v.6). Luke's
emphasis was on Jesus. He was the one who gave His disciples the
authority. It's important to remember that power and authority are
always His to give.
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