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Postby cimi » Sun Jul 06, 2014 10:20 pm

July 6


Jeremiah 6:13-20
Ask for the old paths,
where the good way is,
and walk in it; then you
will find rest for your
souls. __Jeremiah 6:16

You may have heard the saying, "The past is supposed to be a guidepost, not a hitching post." It's easy to become tied to memories of "the good old days" instead of using our experiences to find direction for the road ahead. We are all susceptible to the paralyzing effects of nostalgia__a longing for what used to be.

Jeremiah was a priest from a small town near Jerusalem when God called him to be "a prophet to the nations" (Jer. 1:5). He was given the very difficult job of pronouncing God's judgement primarily on the people of Judah, who had turned away from the Lord. Jeremiah made it clear that he was delivering God's message, not his own (7:1-2).

The Lord said, "Stand in the ways and see, and ask for the old paths, where the good way is, and walk in it; then you will find rest for your souls. But they said, 'We will not walk in it' " (6:16).

God urged His people to look back so they could move ahead. The purpose of considering the ancient paths was to find 'the good way" marked by God's faithfulness, His forgiveness, and His forward call.

God can teach us from our past that the best road is the one we walk with Him. __David McCasland

``````````````````````````Though I know what awaits me__````````````````````````
```````````````````````````What the future has in store,``````````````````````````
``````````````````````````Yet I know that God is faithful,``````````````````````````
``````````````````````For "I've proved Him oft before. __Amen.`````````````````````
God's guidance in the past
gives courage for the future.

****************************Today's Bible Reading __ Jeremiah 6:13-20**************************

13 "Because from the least
of them even to the greatest
of them, everyone is given to
covetousness; and from the
prophet even to the priest,
everyone deals falsely.

14 They have also healed the
hurt of My people slightly,
saying, 'Peace, peace!'
When there is no peace.

15 "Were they ashamed
when they had committed
abomination? No! They were
not at all ashamed; nor did
they know how to blush.
Therefore they shall fall
among those who fall; at the
time I punish them, they
shall be cast down," says the

16 Thus says the LORD:
"Stand in the ways and see,
and ask for the old paths,
where the good way is, and
walk in it; then you will find
rest for your souls. But they
said, 'We will not walk in it.'

17 Also, I set watchmen over
you, saying, 'Listen to the
sound of the trumpet!' But
they said, 'We will not
listen.' 18 Therefore hear, you
nations.... 19 Hear, O
earth! Behold, I will
certainly bring calamity on
this people__the fruit of their
thoughts, because they have
not heeded My words nor
My law, but rejected it.

20 For what purpose to Me
comes frankincense from
Sheba, and sweet cane from
a far country? Your burnt
offerings are not acceptable,
nor your sacrifices sweet to


Jeremiah, often called the "weeping prophet," brought a depressing
message to Israel: "Behold, I will certainly bring calamity on this
people" (6:19). God would bring the consequences of Israel's
choices on them. Calamity was coming )v.15) because Israel had
forgotten the path given in the past (v.16). Yet Jeremiah also offered
words of hope: One day God would bring "the remnant" back to
Israel and raise up a "Branch of righteousness" (23:3-8).
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