Hosted by Cimi ... In this forum, our friend Cimi shares with us some awesome messages of love and faith intended to be shared with all Christians.


Postby cimi » Mon May 19, 2014 8:50 pm

May 19


Mark 5:21-24

The counsel of the
LORD stands forever,
the plans of His heart
to all generations.
__Psalm 33:11

My sister and I were looking forward to our holiday in Taiwan. We had purchased our plane tickets and booked our hotel rooms. But 2 weeks before the trip, my sister learned she had to stay at home in Singapore to handle an emergency. We were disappointed that our plans were interrupted.

Jesus' disciples were accompanying Him on an urgent mission when their trip was interrupted (Mark 5:21-42). The daughter of Jairus, a ruler of the synagogue, was dying. Time was of the essence, and Jesus was on His way to their home. Then, suddenly Jesus stopped and said, "Who touched My clothes?" (v.30).

The disciples seemed irritated by this and said, "You see the multitude thronging You, and You say, 'Who touched Me?" (v.31). But Jesus saw it as an opportunity to minister to a suffering woman. Her illness had made her ceremonially unclean and unable to participate in community life for 12 years! (see Lev. 15:25_27).

While Jesus was talking to this woman, Jairus' daughter died. It was too late__or so it seemed. But the delay allowed Jairus to experience an even deeper knowledge of Jesus and his power__even power over death!

Sometimes our disappointment can be God's appointment.

__Pho Fang Chia

``````````````````````Disappointment__His appointment``````````````````````
```````````````````````No good thing will He withhold;```````````````````````
````````````````````````From denials oft we gather`````````````````````````
`````````````````````Treasures of His love untold. __Young```````````````````
Look for God's purpose in your next interruption.

***************************Today's Bible Reading __ Mark 5:21-34*******************************

21 Now when Jesus had
crossed over again by boat to
the other side, a great
multitude gathered....

22 And behold, one of the
rulers of the synagogue
came, Jairus by name. And
when he saw Him, he fell at
His feet 23 and begged Him
earnestly, saying, "My little
daughter lies at the point of
death. Come and lay Your
hands on her, that she may be
healed, and she will live."
24 So Jesus went with him,
and a great multitude
followed Him and thronged

25 Now a certain woman had
a flow of blood for twelve
years.... 27 When she heard
about Jesus, she came behind
Him in the crowd and
touched his garment. 28 For
she said, "If only I may touch
His clothes, I shall be made
well." 29 Immediately the
fountain of her blood was
dried up, and she felt in her
body that she was healed of
the affliction.

30 And Jesus, immediately
knowing in Himself that
power had gone out of Him,
turned around in the crowd
and said, "Who touched my

31 But His disciples said to
Him, "You see the multitude
thronging You, and You say,
'Who touched Me?' " 12 And
He looked around to see her
who had done this thing.

33 But the woman,...
knowing what had happened
to her, came and fell down
before Him and told Him the
whole truth. 34 And He said
to her, "Daughter, your faith
has made you well. Go in
peace, and be healed of your


Jairus, as a "[ruler] of the synagogue" (Mark 5:22), was a lay leader
responsible for organizing and supervising the affairs of the local
synagogue. This included the conduct and teaching of the worship
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