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Postby cimi » Fri Mar 14, 2014 10:14 pm

March 14


Psalm 119:9-16
With my whole heart
I have sought You; oh,
let me not wander from
your commandments!
__Psalm 119:10

One of my favorite classic hymns is "Come, Thou Fount of Every Blessing," which was written in 1757 by 22-year-old Robert Robinson. In the hymn's lyrics is a line that always captures my attention and forces me to do some self-evaluation. The line says, "Prone to wander, Lord, I feel it. Prone to leave the God I love." I feel that way sometimes. Too often I find myself distracted and drifting, instead of having my heart and mind focused on the Savior who loves me and gave Himself for me. Robert Robinson and I are not alone in this.

In those seasons of wandering, our heart of hearts doesn't want to drift from God__but, like Paul, we often do what we don't want to do (Rom. 7:19), and we desperately need to turn back to the Shepherd of our heart who can draw us to Himself. David wrote of this struggle in His great anthem to the Scriptures, Psalm 119, saying, "with my whole heart I have sought You; oh, let me not wander from Your commandments!" (v.10).

Sometimes, even when our hearts long to seek God, the distractions of life can draw us away from Him and His Word. How grateful we can be for a patient, compassionate heavenly Father whose grace is always sufficient__even when we are prone to wander! __Bill Crowder

``````````````````````````Prone to wander, Lord, I feel it,``````````````````````````
```````````````````````````Prone to leave the God I love;``````````````````````````
`````````````````````````Here's my heart, O take and seal it,````````````````````````
``````````````````````Seal it for Thy courts above. __Robinson``````````````````````
Our tendency to wander is matched by
God's willingness to pursue.

****************************Today's Bible Reading __ Psalm 119:9-16**************************

9 How can a young man
cleanse his way? By taking
heed according to Your
word. 10 With my whole
heart I have sought You;
oh, let me not wander from
Your commandments!

11 Your word I have hidden
in my heart, that I might
not sin against You.

12 Blessed are You, O
LORD! Teach me Your
statutes. 13 With my lips I
have declared all the
judgments of Your mouth.

14 I have rejoiced in the
way of Your testimonies,
as much as in all riches.

15 I will meditate on Your
precepts, and contemplate
Your ways. 16 I will delight
myself in Your statues; I
will not forget Your word.


Although high-tech media has multiplied the ways we can be
tempted, the issues of the heart remain the same. The question
of how we can keep ourselves pure is still related to the Word
of God. Our minds are to become preoccupied with Scripture
(v.9). Committing the Word to memory makes it accessible in all
circumstances (v.11). By meditating on Scripture, we discover its
meaning and how to apply spiritual principles (v.15). In addition,
sharing with others what we learn can edify them.

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