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Postby cimi » Sat Jan 25, 2014 10:47 pm

January 25


Matthew 24:36-44

Watch therefore,
for you do not know
what hour your Lord
is coming.
__Matthew 24:42

While exploring a museum exhibit titled "A Day in Pompeii," I was struck by the repeated theme that August 24, AD 79 began as an ordinary day. People were going about their daily business in homes, markets, and at the port of this prosperous Roman town of 20,000 people. At 8 a.m., a series of small emissions were seen coming from nearby Mount Vesuvius, followed by a violent eruption in the afternoon. In less than 24 hours, Pompeii and many of its people lay buried under a thick layer of volcanic ash. Unexpected.

Jesus told His followers that He would return on a day when people were going about their business, sharing meals, and having weddings, with no idea of what was about to happen. "As the days of Noah were, so also will the coming of the Son of Man be" (Matt. 24:37).

The Lord's purpose was to urge the disciples to be watchful and prepared: "Therefore you also be ready, for the Son of Man is coming at an hour you do not expect" (v.33).

What surprising joy it would be to welcome our Savior on this ordinary day! __David McCasland

```````````````````````Faithful and true would He find us here,``````````````````````
`````````````````````````````If he should come today?`````````````````````````````
````````````````````````Watching in gladness and not in fear,````````````````````````
`````````````````````````````If he should come today?`````````````````````````````
```````````````````````Watch for the time is drawing nigh,``````````````````````````
````````````````````````What if it were today? __Morris`````````````````````````````
Perhaps today!

*************************Today's Bible Reading __ Matthew 24:36-44****************************

36 But of that day and hour
no one knows, not even the
angels of heaven, but My
Father only. 37 But as the
days of Noah were, so also
will the coming of the Son
of Man be. 38 For as in the
days before the flood, they
were eating and drinking,
marrying and giving in
marriage, until the day that
Noah entered the ark, 39 and
did not know until the flood
came and took them all
away, so also will the
coming of the son of Man
be. 40 Then two men will be
in the field: one will be
taken and the other left.

41 Two women will be
grinding at the mill: one
will be taken and the other
left. 42 watch therefore, for
you do not know what hour
your Lord is coming. 43 But
know this, that if the master
of the house had known
what hour the thief would
come, he would have
watched and not allowed
his house to be broken into.

44 Therefore you also be
ready, for the Son of Man is
coming at an hour you do
not expect.


A few days before Jesus was crucified, the disciples asked, "When
...and what will be the sign of Your coming!" (Matt. 24:3). In
Matthew 24-25, also known as the Olivet Discourse, Jesus spoke
to them about the events that will precede His second coming.
Because no one, not even Jesus, knows the day or the hour
(24:36,42; Mark 13:32), Jesus warned us not to be deceived by
speculations of His return (Matt. 24:4) but to be alert, vigilant, and
always ready (v.44).
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