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Postby cimi » Sun Oct 06, 2013 9:34 pm

October 6


2 Chronicles 20:1,

The battle is not
yours, but God's.
__2 Chronicles 20:15

While millions watched on television, Nik Wallenda walked across Niagara Falls on a 1,800-foot wire that was only 5 inches in diameter. He took all the precautions he could. But adding to the drama and danger of both the height and the rushing water below, a thick mist obscured Nik's sight, wind threatened his balance, and spray from the falls challenged his footing. Amid__and perhaps because of__these perils, he said that he "prayed a lot" and praised God.

The Israelites also praised God in the middle of a dangerous challenge. Theirs involved a large group of warriors who had gathered to fight them (2 Chron. 20:2). After humbly asking God for help, King Jehoshaphat appointed a choir to march out into battle in front of the israelite army. The worshipers sang: "Praise the LORD, for His mercy endures forever" (v.21). When they began to sing, the Lord caused the enemy forces to attack and destroy each other.

Praising God in the midst of a challenge may mean over-riding our natural instincts. We tend toward self-protection, strategizing, and worry. However, worshiping can guard our hearts against troubling thoughts and self-reliance. It reminds us of the lesson the Israelites learned: "the battle is not [ours], but God's" (v.15). __Jennifer Benson Shculdt

````````````````````Lord, I praise You, for Your mercy is everlasting.`````````````````
``````````````````````Help me to remember that every battle in````````````````````
`````````````````````this life is Yours. The outcome belongs to`````````````````````
`````````````````````````You because You are sovereign.``````````````````````````

No matter what is in front of us,
God is always behind us.

**************Today's Bible Reading __ 2 Chronicles 20:1,15-22***************

1 It happened after this that
the people of Moab with the
people of Ammon, and others
with them besides the
Ammonites, came to battle
against Jehoshaphat....

15 And [the Spirit of the
LORD said through Jahaziel],
"Listen, all you of Judah and
you inhabitants of Jerusalem,
and you, King Jehoshaphat!
Thus says the LORD to you:
'Do not be afraid nor
dismayed because of this
great multitude, for the battle
is not yours, but God's.

16 Tomorrow go down against
them.... 17 You will not need
to fight in this battle. Position
yourselves, stand still and see
the salvation of the LORD,
who is with you, O Judah
and Jerusalem!; Do not fear
or be dismayed; tomorrow go
out against them, for the
LORD is with you."

18 And Jehoshaphat bowed
his head with his face to the
ground, and all Judah and the
inhabitants of Jerusalem
bowed before the LORD,
worshiping the LORD. 19 Then
the Levites of the children of
the Kohathites and of the
children of the Korahites
stood up to praise the LORD
God of Israel with voices loud and high.

20 So they rose early in the
morning and went out into
the Wilderness of Tekoa; and
as they went out, Jehoshaphat
stood and said, "Hear me, O
Judah and you inhabitants of
Jerusalem: Believe in the
LORD your God, and you
shall be established; believe
His prophets, and you shall
prosper." 21 And when he had
consulted with the people, he
appointed those who should
sing to the LORD, and who
should praise the beauty of
holiness, as they went out
before the army and were
saying: "Praise the LORD, for
His mercy endures forever."

22 Now when they began to
sing and to praise, the LORD
set ambushes against the
people of Ammon, Moab,
and Mount Seir, who had
come against Judah; and they
were defeated.
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