Hosted by Cimi ... In this forum, our friend Cimi shares with us some awesome messages of love and faith intended to be shared with all Christians.


Postby cimi » Mon Sep 09, 2013 9:15 pm

September 9


Psalm 25:1-11

Lead me in Your
truth and teach me,
for You are the God
of my salvation; on
You I wait all the
day. __Psalm 25:5

The majestic chime of London's Great Clock of Westminster, commonly known as Big Ben, is familiar to many. In fact, some of us may have clocks in our homes that sound the same hourly chime. It is traditionally thought that the melody was taken from Handel's Messiah. and the lyrics inscribed in the Big ben clock room have a time significance:

All through this hour,
Lord, be my guide;
And by Thy power,
No foot shall slide.
These lyrics are a good reminder of our constant need for God's guidance. King David recognized that he needed guidance all through the day as he faced the challenges of life. In Psalm 25 he says; "Lead me in Your truth and teach me, for You are the God of my salvation; on You I wait all the day' (v.5). Wanting to b e a teachable follower of God, David looked to his Redeemer for direction. His heart's desire was to wait on God with dependent faith throughout the entire day.

May this be our desire as well. Our requests for God's help often begin the day, but then competing distractions can pull our attention away from Him. Lord, remind us to pray; "All through this hour, Lord, be my guide." __Dennis Fisher
``````````````There's never a day nor a season`````````````````
```````````That prayer may not bless every hour,```````````````
````````````And never a prayer need be helpless```````````````
```````When linked with God's infinite power. __Morton`````````
Let Christ be first in your thoughts in the morning,
and last in your thoughts at night.

***************Today's Bible Reading __ Psalm 25:1-11********************

1 To You, O LORD, I lift
up my soul, 2 O my God,
I trust in You; let me not be
ashamed; let not my
enemies triumph over me.

3 Indeed, let no one who
waits on You be ashamed;
let those be ashamed who
deal treacherously without

4 Show me Your ways, O
LORD; teach me Your paths.

5 Lead me in Your truth and
teach me, for You are the
God of my slavation; on
You I wait all the day.

6 Remember, O LORD,
Your tender mercies and
Your lovingkindnesses, for
they are from of old. 7 Do
not remember the sins of
my youth, nor my
transgressions; according
to Your mercy remember
me, for Your goodness'
sake, O LORD.

8 Good and upright is the
LORd\D; therefore He teaches
sinners in the way. 9 The
humble He guides in
justice, and the humble He
teaches His way. 10 All the
paths of the LORD are
mercy and truth, to such as
keep His covenant and His
testimonies. 11 For Your
names' sake, O LORD,
pardon my iniquity, for
it is great.


Most of us are aware of the great gap that exists between us and
God. David, writer of many of the psalms, was keenly aware of this
gift. Yet in today's psalm, David does more than simply acknowledge
that he is sinful (vv.7,11), that God is "good and upright," and that
His ways are "mercy and truth" (vv.8,10). He celebrates God's
greatness because even though He is holy and we are sinful, God
still teaches us His ways (vv.4,5,8,9).
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