Hosted by Cimi ... In this forum, our friend Cimi shares with us some awesome messages of love and faith intended to be shared with all Christians.


Postby cimi » Wed Jul 31, 2013 9:49 pm

July 31


Romans 3:21-26

For as in Adam all die,
even so in Christ all
shall be made alive.
__1 Corinthians 15:22

A heavy thunderstorm delayed our flight to Frankfurt, causing us to miss our connecting flight. We were told that we had been confirmed on another flight the next evening. But when we arrived at the gate, we were told that we were on standby. The flight was full.

When I learned this, I wondered if this was mere miscommunication or if this was how they dealt with missed flights. If passengers had been told up front that they were only on standby, they would have been unhappy. Perhaps they saved the truth until later.

Thankfully, God doesn't work that way. He clearly tells us everything we need to know to get to heaven. The Bible declares that "all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God" (Rom. 3:23). God gave us the full picture of our sin nature from Genesis 3 so that He could give us His full and complete solution.

God's solution in Romans 3:24 is that we are "justified freely by His grace through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus." God sent His own sinless son to die for our sins. His sacrifice on the cross provided us forgiveness. All we need to do is receive that free gift through faith. I'm so glad God told us the truth up front! He hasn't left us to find our own way. __C.P.Hia

````````````Thank You, Almighty God, that You don't hide the```````````````
````````````truth from us. You showed us how completely sin```````````````
````````````has affected our lives in order to reinforce just`````````````````
`````````````how much Jesus Christ has delivered us from.`````````````````

Christ's work makes us safe;
God's Word makes us sure.

*****************Today's Bible Reading __ Romans 3:21-26**********************

21 But now the
righteousness of God apart
from the law is revealed,
being witnessed by the Law
and the Prophets, 22 even
the righteousness of God,
through faith in Jesus
christ, to all and on all who
believe. For there is no
difference; 23 for all have
sinned and fall short of the
glory of God, 24 being
justified freely by His grace
through the redemption that
is in Christ Jesus, 25 whom
God sent forth as a
propitiation by His blood,
through faith, to
demonstrate His
righteousness, because in
His forbearance God had
passed over the sins that
were previously committed,

26 to demonstrate at the
present time His
righteousness, that He
might bejust and the
justifier of the one who has
faith in Jesus.


Paul wrote about the universal sinfulness of humanity (Rom. 1:18-
3:23). Sinful mankind is under God's righteous wrath (1:18; 2:5-8;
3:5). In today's passage, Paul explains how sinners are saved, not by
obeying the law but by God's actions of justifying the sinner through
faith in Jesus (vv.22,26). Justification is the legal act by which God
declares the sinner righteous only through Christ's death on the
cross (v.25; 1 John 2:2). Christ's sacrifice does not merely wipe
away our sins, but it also satisfies God's righteous anger and turns
His judgment to our favor (John 5:24; Rom. 5:9; 8:1; 1 Thes. 1:10).
God credited Christ's righteousness to our record while placing our
sinfulness onto Christ (Isa. 53:6; 2 Cor. 5:21; Gal. 3:13).
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