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Postby cimi » Fri Jul 19, 2013 12:12 pm

July 19


Deuteronomy 8:7-18

Beware that you do
not forget the
LORD your God.
__Deuteronomy 8:11
I don't agree with those who rail against material things and say that owning stuff is inherently evil. And I have to admit that I'm a consumer__often tempted to pad my pile of treasures with items I think I need.

But I do recognize that one of the dangers of owning a lot of stuff is that it can lead to spiritual loss. The more we have and the more we feel as if we have all we need, the more prone we are to forget our need for God and even our desire for Him. Yet, ironically, everything we have comes ultimately from God, who "gives us richly all things to enjoy" (1 Tim. 6:17).

Sadly, our enjoyment of God's provisions might just mean that we end up loving the gift and forgetting the Giver. This is why, when God was getting ready to give His people a life full of bounty in the Promised Land of good and plenty, He warned, "Beware that you do not forget the LORD your God" (Deut. 8:11).

If God has allowed you to enjoy material abundance, remind yourself where it came from. In fact, all of us, whether rich in this world's goods or not, have much to be thankful for. Let's heed the warning not to forget the Lord and praise Him for His abundant goodness. __Joe stowell

`````````````I'd rather have Jesus than silver or gold,```````````````
```````````I'd rather be His than have riches untold;`````````````````
``````````````I'd rather have Jesus than anything```````````````````
``````````````This world affords today. __Miller```````````````````

Love the Giver more than the gifts!

*******************today's Bible Reading __ Deuteronomy*********************

7 For the LORD your God is
bringing you into a good
land, a land of brooks of
water, of fountains and
springs, that flow out of
valleys and hills; 8 a land of
wheat and barley, of vines
and fig trees and
pomegranates, a land of
olive oil and honey; 9 a land
in which you will eat bread
without scarcity, in which
you will lack nothing; a land
whose stones are iron and
out of whose hills you can
dig copper.

10 When you have eaten
and are full, then you shall
bless the LORD your God for
the good land which He has
given you. 11 Beware that
you do not forget the LORD
your God by not keeping
His commandments, His
judgments, and His statutes
which I command you
today, 12 lest__when you
have eaten and are full, and
have built beautiful houses
and dwell in them; 13 and
when your herds and your
flocks multiply, and your
silver and your gold are
multiplied, and all that you
have is multiplied; 14 when
your heart is lifted up, and
you forget the LORD you
God who brought you out of
the land Egypt, from the
house of bondage; 15 who
led you through that great
and terrible wilderness, in
which were fiery serpents
and scorpions and thirsty
land where there was no
water; who brought water
for you out of the flinty
rock; 16 who fed you in the
wilderness with manna,
which your fathers did not
know, that He might test
you, to do you good in the
end__ 17 then you say in
your heart, "My power and
the might of my hand have
gained me this wealth."

18 And you shall remember
the LORD your God, for it is
He who gives you power to
get wealth, that He may
establish His covenant
which He swore to your
fathers, as it is this day.
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