Hosted by Cimi ... In this forum, our friend Cimi shares with us some awesome messages of love and faith intended to be shared with all Christians.


Postby cimi » Thu Mar 21, 2013 6:40 pm

March 20


Matthew 5:38-48

He makes His sun
rise on the evil and
on the good, and
sends rain on the just
and on the unjust.
__Matthew 5:45

When torrential downpours beat on the heads of my newly planted petunias, I felt bad for them. I wanted to bring them inside to shelter them from the storm. By the time the rain stopped, their little faces were bowed to the ground from the weight of the water. They looked sad and weak. Within a few hours, however, they perked up and turned their heads skyward. By the next day, they were standing straight and strong.

What a transformation! After pounding them on the head, the rain dripped from their leaves, soaked into the soil, and came up through their stalks, giving them the strength to stand straight.

Because I prefer sunshine, I get annoyed when rain spoils my outdoor plans. I sometimes wrongly think of rain as something negative. But anyone who has experienced drought knows that rain is a blessing. It nourishes the earth for the benefit of both the just and the unjust (Matt. 5:45).

Even when the storms of life hit so hard that we nearly break from the force, the "rain" is not an enemy. Our loving God has allowed it to make us stronger. He uses the water that batters us on the outside to build us up on the inside, so we may stand straight and strong. __Julie Ackerman Link

````````Lord, we know that we don't need to fear the storms``````
``````````of life. Because You are good, we can trust You````````
`````````to use even our hard times to build our faith in You.``````
```````````````````````We lean on You now.`````````````````

The storms that threaten to destroy us
God will use to strengthen us.

****************Today's Bible Reading __ Matthew 5:38-48******************

38 You have heard that it
was said, "An eye for an
eye and a tooth for a tooth."

39 But I tell you not to resist
an evil person. But whoever
slaps you on your right
cheek, turn the other to him
also. 40 If anyone wants to
sue you and take away your
tunic, let him have your
cloak also. 41 and whoever
compels you to go one
mile, go with him two.

42 Give to him who asks
you, and from him who
wants to borrow from you
do not turn away.

43 You have heard that it
was said, "You shall love
your neighbor and hate your
enemy." 44 But I say to you,
love your enemies, bless
those who curse you, do
good to those who hate you,
and pray for those who
spitefully use you and
persecute you, 45 that you
may be sons of your Father
in heaven; for He makes
His sun rise on the evil and
on the good, and sends rain
on the just and on the
unjust. 46 For if you love
those who love you, what
reward have you? Do not
even the tax collectors do
the same? 47 And if you
greet your brethren only,
what do you do more than
others? Do not even the
tax collectors do so?

48 Therefore you shall be
perfect, jus as your Father
in heaven is perfect.


In today's reading, the basic intent of our Lord's teaching is not
complete pacifism that enables evil behavior. It is an exhortation for
attitudes of graciousness, generosity, impartiality, and nonretaliation
in the believer's personal dealings with others. The righteous use of
force to restrain evil is clearly taught in other passages of Scripture.
The powers of governmental authorities are ordained by God (Rom.
13:1-7; 1 Peter 2:13-14).
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