Hosted by Cimi ... In this forum, our friend Cimi shares with us some awesome messages of love and faith intended to be shared with all Christians.


Postby cimi » Thu Mar 07, 2013 5:55 pm

March 7


Philippians 4:10-20

God shall supply all
your need according to
His riches in glory by
Christ Jesus.

When butterflies hatch at Frederik Meijier Gardens in Grand Rapids, Michigan, they do so in an indoor tropical paradise perfectly suited to meet their every need. The temperature is perfect. The humidity is perfect. The food is a perfect balance of calories and nutrition to keep them healthy. No need to go elsewhere. Yet some butterflies see the bright blue sky outside the conservatory and spend their days fluttering near the glass ceiling far away from the plentiful food supply.

I want to say to those butterflies, "Don't you know everything you need is inside? The outside is cold and harsh, and you will die within minutes if you get what you are longing to have."

I wonder if that is the message God has for me. So I ask myself, Do I look longingly at things that would harm me? Do I use my energy to gain what I don't need and shouldn't have? Do I ignore God's plentiful provision because I imagine that something just beyond my reach is better? Do I spend my time on the fringes of faith?

God supplies all our needs from His riches (Phil. 4:19). So instead of striving for what we don't have, may we open our hearts to gratefully receive everything we've already been given by Him. __Julie Ackerman Link

``````````````````All that I want is in Jesus;`````````````````
`````````````````He satisfies, joy He supplies;```````````````
```````````````Life would be worthless without Him,``````````
`````````````````All things in Jesus I find. __Loes````````````

Our needs will never exhaust God's supply.

***************Today's Bible Reading __ Philippians 4:10-20*************

10 But I rejoiced in the
Lord greatly that now at last
your care for me has
flourished again; though
you surely did care, but you
lacked opportunity. 11 Not
that I speak in regard to
need, for I have learned in
whatever state I am, to be
content: 12 I know how to be
abased, and I know how to
abound. Everywhere and in
all things I have learned
both to be full and to be
hungry, both to abound and
to suffer need. 13 I can do all
things through Christ who
strengthens me.

14 Nevertheless you have
done well that you shared in
my distress. 15 Now you
Philippians know also that
in the beginning of the
gospel, when I departed
from Macedonia, no church
shard with me concerning
giving and receiving but you
only. 16 For even in
Thessalonica you sent aid
once and again for my
necessities. 17 Not that I
seek the gift, but I seek the
fruit that abounds to your
account. 18 Indeed I have all
and abound. I am full,
having received from
Epaphroditus the things sent
from you, a sweet-smelling
aroma, and acceptable
sacrifice, well pleasing to
God. 19 And my God shall
supply all your need
according to His riches in
glory by Christ Jesus.

20 Now to our God and
Father be glory forever and
ever. Amen.


The Philippians were residents of Macedonia (northern ancient
Greece), where Paul planted the first church on European soil (see
Acts 16). In today's reading, Paul mentions Thessalonica (v.16)__a
Greek city near Philippi where Paul and his team had planted
a church during their second missionary journey (Acts 17). The
command of Jesus (Matt. 28:19-20; Acts 1:8) was being fulfilled.

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