Be spiritually hungry for more of God

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Be spiritually hungry for more of God

Postby RockofAges » Fri Feb 08, 2013 10:13 am

From Nehemiah 2

This is a study I did today. I found it interesting with a few pointers found in it with this devotional write out I wanted to share with anyone interested. I am not the one who made the outline of the study just so you all know. I am copying it and sharing it with you all. I do not take credit. Just sharing the bread.

The spiritual warrior must be spiritualy hungry for more of God to fully prepared to meet the attack of Satan.

When Jesus spoke to the woman at the well pf Samaria, His words set her free, (See John 4:1-26). He offered living water to her that would quench her thirst and tought her that the "true worshippers will worship the Father in spirit and in truth; for the the Father is seeking such to worship Him found in (John 4:23)

Sharpenning your sword~~~

Jesus taught the woman at the well of Samaria that it is more important to be "hungry in spirit" than to be "hungry in the flesh." The Old Testiment tells the story of Nehemiah- a man whose spiritual hunger caused him to sorrow over the broken and burned walls of Jeruselem.

Read Nehemiah 2. How did God use Nehemiah's spiritual hunger to propel him into his destiny?

Describe your own spiritual hunger. How might God use your hunger to move you foward into your destiny?

It is written, "Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God." --Matthew 4:4

Sharpening point What do you need to do to lessen your hunger for the things of the flesh and increase your hunger for the things of God?

When Jesus' disciples returned to Jesus after he had ministered to the woman at the well, they offered him food. But He was not hungry. He said, "I have food to eat of what you do not know....My food is to do the will of Him who sent Me, and to finish His work" (John 32,34). The woman's worship had so satisfied Jesus that He was no longer hungry for natural food. (How often when with someone we fall in love with if one ever had that experience one could live off of their love for days on a soulish high where one doesn't feel as hungry anymore because it is that fullfilling) Well this woman's worship fullfilled Jesus in a similar way, thus we do when we worship Him, it satisfies Him to the overflowing. Souls of people bless God.

What is God saying about you? If you are in a rut or routine where your woship just isn't cutting it, if you have not heard God speak to you in a long time, If your circumstances seem to be the biggest obstacle in your life, stop everything and begin a fast. Once day, several days, some food, all food, the details are not as imporatant as your heart's desire to satisfy God with your worship of sacrifice." Of course with obedience.

This write up has been adapted by Jentzen Franklin

This bible I bought for my middle son who came to me begging for a good study bible, this was the one he picked out. He offered to share it with me, since he saw me get beat down by other believers on other christian chat sites. He said mom you need to eat.... he wasnt saying physical food, he said mom, your spirit isn't broken, it just got fed rotten food of others and you got a little bit spiritually ill. I said, so I should avoid rotten fish then huh?

Today, I asked the Holy Spirit to quickly visit and point me to the right study. Had no idea lol how the Holy Spirit can blow my mind everytime. It explains why some nights I would be thinking about my sons and sobbing my eyes out when my sons are perfectly fine and nights I couldn't sleep, come to find out, God was just as hungry as I was. He and I were sort of missing eachother deeply. I hope this study helps anyone out there who got knocked down and lost their hunger and grew weak over time, God has is table full of food waiting for you, and won't eat a bite of it until you get there and fellowship with him.
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