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Postby cimi » Tue Jun 15, 2010 4:36 pm

June 14


Luke 23:44-24:3

They found the stone
rolled away from the
tomb. Then they went
in and did not find the
body of the Lord Jesus.
__Luke 24:3

People tend to remember negative images more than they do positive ones, according to an experiment conducted at the University of Chicago. While people claim that they want to turn away from the barrage of bad news in the media--reports on tragedies, diseases, economic downturns--this study suggests that their minds are drawn to the stories.

Catherine Hankey (1834-1911) was more interested in the "good news." She had a great desire to see young women come to know christ. In 1866, she became very ill. As she lay in bed, she thought about all those with whom she had shared the story of Jesus' redemption, and she wished that someone would visit and comfort her with "the old, old story." That's when she wrote the poem that later became a hymn, "Tell Me the Old, Old Story":

````````````Tell me the story slowly, that I may take it in__``````````
```````````That wonderful redemption, God's remedy for sin.`````````
`````````````Tell me the story often, for I forget so soon;````````````
````````The early dew of morning has passed away at noon.``````````

We never tire of hearing the story that because of his great love god sent His one and only Son to this earth (John 3:16). He lived a perfect life, took our sin upon Himself when He was crucified, and 3 days later rose again (Luke 23:44-24:3). When we receive Him as our Savior, we are given eternal life and become His children (John 1:12).

Tell someone the old, old story of Jesus and His love. They need some good news. __Anne Cetas

The good news of Christ is the best news in the world.

***********Today's Bible Reading __ Luke 23:44-24:3**************

44 Now it was about the
sixth hour, and there was
darkness over all the earth
until the ninth hour. 45 Then
the sun was darkened, and
the veil of the temple was
torn in two. 46 And when
Jesus had cried out with a
loud voice, He said, "Father,
'into Your hands I commit
My spirit.'" Having s aid this,
He breathed His last....

50 Now behold, there was a
man named Joseph, a council
member, a good and just
man. 51 He had not consented
to their decision and deed.
He was from Arimathea, a
city of the Jews, who himself
was also waiting for the
kingdom of God. 52 This man
went to Pilate and asked for
the body of Jesus. 53 Then he
took it down, wrapped it in
linen, and laid it in a tomb
that was hewn out of the
rock, where no one had ever
lain before. 54 That day
was the Preparation, and the
Sabbath drew near.

55 And the women who had
come with Him from Galilee
followed after, and they
observed the tomb and how
His body was laid. 56 Then
they returned and prepared
spices and fragrant oils....

1 Now on the first day of the
week, very early in the
morning, they, and certain
other women with them,
came to the tomb bringing
the spices which they had
prepared. 2 But they found
the stone rolled away from
the tomb. 3 Then they went in
and did not find the body of
the Lord Jesus.


The narrative accounts of the Bible, including Luke 23:44-24:3, are
not just inspiring stories. They are based upon events that actually
happened in space-time history. In this passage, we see Luke's
narrative of Jesus' ministry on earth when it was nearing its end.
Physician Luke's account was based on interviews he conducted
with eyewitnesses of the events (Luke 1:1-4). __DENNIS FISHER
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