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Postby cimi » Tue Jan 19, 2010 7:19 pm

January 17


Psalm 139:13-16

I will praise You, for
I am fearfully and
wonderfully made.
__Psalm 139:14

In Psalm 139, David describes God as fashioning his tiny body together in the darkness of his mother's womb. God loved David before he ever existed.

God designed the person David was to be, and He brought that person into being according to His predetermined plan. In this psalm, David used the intriguing metaphor of a journal in which God first wrote His plan and then brought that plan into fruition through His handiwork in the womb: "Your eyes saw my substance, being yet unformed. And in Your book they all were written" (v. 16).

Put another way, David was shaped by his heavenly Father's love into a unique creation. He came from the inventive heart and hand of God. What was true of David is true of you. You are special--along with everyone else in the world.

This being true, we must be pro-life in the purest sense of the word. We are to respect and cherish all human life: the born and those still in the womb; winsome children and weary seniors; the wealthy executive and the financially destitute. All persons are unique productions of our Creator's genius. With David, let's exclaim: "I will praise You, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made" (139:14). __David Roper

````````````````````````By God's wise designing`````````````````
```````````````````````We are wonderfully made,````````````````
``````````````````````````Every part essential``````````````````
````````````````````And in perfect balance laid. __Anon```````````

All life is created by God and bears His autograph.

**********Today's Bible Reading __ Psalm 139:13-16**************

13 For You formed my
inward parts; You covered
me in my mother's womb.

14 I will praise You, for I am
fearfully and wonderfully
made; marvelous are Your
works, and that my soul
knows very well. 15 My
frame was not hidden from
You, when I was made in
secret, and skillfully
wrought in the lowest parts
of the earth. 16 Your eyes
saw my substance, being
yet unformed. And in Your
book they all were written,
the days fashioned for me,
when as yet there were
none of them.


God saw every detail of David's frame as it was formed in his
mother's womb (v.16). Likewise, He saw what David would do over
a lifetime. When a child is born into our families, we don't know
how that life will develop. But God does. His attribute of knowing
all things sees both the achievements and mistakes the person will
make during his life. Yet for those who trust Him, the stops and
starts toward maturity in Christ will always be seen through eyes of
divine love. __DENNIS FISHER
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