Living Water at the Oasis

Christianity Oasis

Prepare to enter the world of true Christianity. Faith, Friendship, Family, Fellowship and Fun.


You are about to sojourn into our absolutely awe inspiring Christian Ministry online known as Christianity Oasis. Although our Christian Ministry has been serving our Lord for about forty years, we have been reaching for lost souls and encouraging Christians on the Internet for about twenty five years, by providing a Christian Paradise filled with SON-sational Christian activities and entertainment such as Christian studies, books, games, crafts, gift shops, programs, counseling and other FUN-tastic Christian resources for Christians and potential Christians of all ages. All Christian and all 100% free.

Please feel free to consider Christianity Oasis as your passage to peace for your soul. It will truly become your very own Holy Spirit filled sanctuary in this vast and extremely CON-cerning desert wilderness, known as the Internet. You will soon discover that our Christian Ministry will enhance your faith and uplift your soul while enLIGHTening your YOU-nique Christian walk path. Below is just a glimpse of what we have to offer:

A cross appearing in ripples of water
Christian Walk

How to deal with issues that constantly confront Christians. Intriguing, thought provoking, informative and easy to understand.

Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse
End Times

A detailed look at what will occur in the End Times according to the Bible. Be aware and prepare for what may occur at any hour.

Gathering of People Left Behind on a Shore
Left Behind

This intense journey explains why God has chosen for some Christian folks to remain on Earth during the End Times to reach for the lost.

Dove in flight
Spirit of Truth

This heart reaching Christian program is a guide to help you firmly establish a personal relationship with the Holy Spirit of God.

Jesus reaching for a lost sheep on a mountainside
The Story of Jesus

A study that compares all four Gospels and walks you through the life, death, resurrection, ascension and return of our Lord Jesus Christ.

Gentleman saying grace at table adorned with Bible and food
Daily Bread

Daily Bread Devotional is an in-depth, yet lighthearted look into the inspirational Word of God known as the Bible. Fun and understandable.

Girl with praying hands looking toward heaven
Virtuous Woman

For our female guests, we present our Virtuous Woman path of promise ... What is a virtuous woman according to the Bible? Come see.

Angels guarding the gates of Heaven
Heavenly Hope

Want to learn about the real Christian Haven? We share ways to obtain and maintain the hope we need to overcome on our way to Heaven.

Bride of Christ awaiting His return
Til Death Do Us Part

The Truth of Marriage according to God's Word. A definite must read for single, divorced, unhappily married and happily married souls.

Jesus on a glowing path in a Forest
The Calling

Have you ever wondered if you have been called by God? We will explain to you what you can do with such a precious and divine gift.

Big brother holding screaming child
My Brother's Keeper

If you are a teen, find out if you are called to join the Christian cause, and represent in a more effective manner than you are at this time.

Jesus Holding a Small Child
Child of God

Specially designed for Christian Members, their children and guests and will help you find out what the Bible says about being a child of God.

Chessboard with blue glass chessmen
Christian Games

You must be as a child to enter the Kingdom of Heaven, and what child doesn't love to play games? Stop by and have some fun!

Woman Crafting
Christian Crafts

Bring forth the creative Christian within you and put your Spiritual gifts to work! We have a fun selection of crafts for you and your family.

E-reader and books
Purity Publications

These free Christian ebooks range in subject from A to Z. We have hundreds of awesome ebooks that you will thoroughly enjoy.

Colorful Balloons
Christian Mall

Christians doing business with Christians ... That's what you'll find at our Mall, plus many other treasures for you and/or your loved ones.

Recipe Book with blank page on top of a cutting board with an array of herbs and such
Member Recipes

If you love to cook, or eat, you'll love these Oasis Member Recipes selections. Visit soon and cook up something very special indeed!

Heart of Water
Soul Mate Searchers

Soul Mate Searchers is to help singles find their beloved soul mate ... The one person that God created for you and you alone.

Jesus on ship commanding the waves to subside
Christian Counseling

This is our most popular program created to help lost and troubled souls find Truth as to bring understanding and to restore peace within.

Waterfall with rainbow in the mist
Teen Counseling

Specifically designed for our teen members, this exciting and effective Christian Teen Counseling program will change one from within.

Jesus gives fearful soul a hug
Fear of Death

If you want to understand what happens when a person dies, this Biblical study will give your mind and heart peace and harmony.

Orange self-harm awareness ribbon
Self Harm

This thought provoking program was created by a self harm/self injury victim who escaped the darkness that so many souls face and shares the map to the way out.

Blue eye with tear emerging and Holy Spirit Dove appearing
Rest From Incest

This exploration is for victims and/or survivors of incest and for those who may know of someone in such a situation to share hope and truth.

Rainbow over the sea
From Pain to Purity

So many are full of deep despair, shame, guilt, pain and have even lost touch with their inner child due to rape. True spiritual strength, hope and healing are within reach.

Christianity Oasis Christian Ministry
Heavenly Christian Haven

You will discover a treasure trove of free Christian Books on a variety of interesting Christian topics as well as wholesome topics, both fictional and true stories. We have Christian Games and other very wholesome games for challenge seeking souls of all ages and skill levels for your kids and the kid in you. We share Christian Crafts to bring forth the creative Christian within and so many more 100% free YOU-nique Christian activities to choose from.

In addition ... We provide a massive collection of intriguing and thought provoking Christian Walk Studies within our Christian Ministry which share how to deal with issues which constantly confront Christians on a daily basis. We also have Christian studies on every book in the Bible which are called our Daily Bread studies. These awesome Christianity Oasis studies are based on both the Old Testament and the New Testament.

But, wait ... There is even more Spiritual treasure to be discovered within our Christian Haven. For example, our popular Christianity Oasis Christian Ministry Bible studies on the intriguing, exhilarating and elusive End Times. We share extremely essential, in-depth, exciting and informative (yet, easy to understand) Biblical information on every approaching event, including the mysterious and miraculous Rapture of the Christians, as well as delving into intricate details on every horrifying End Times prophecy (for those souls who choose not to believe in Jesus) which occurs during the last days, before the Return of Jesus according to multiple stunning Scriptures which can actually help prepare Christians by way of explaining End Times Prophecy.

Our Christian Haven also provides those of you who love to shop for Christian products and services, our precious Christian Mall with lovely and trusted Christian shops. Many of these Christian shops are Christian owned and operated and these fellow Christians have chosen careers within the Christian industry as to stay close to God while supporting their families, so please consider patronizing their Christian shops. Imagine ... Christians doing business with fellow Christians!

For those lost and hurting souls, whom our Heavenly Father has led here to find comfort, we have many excellent Christian Ministry Programs which will truly assist you in overcoming the trials and tribulations that Christians encounter and must endure at times. We also have many programs for the lost and troubled souls who are seeking healing and peace in a world that, at times, can bring doubt and fear into the mind and heart of even the most learned and seasoned Christians. For these precious souls, we offer our very popular and extremely effective, 100% free Christian Counseling.

The Christianity Oasis Christian Ministry is a BE-YOU-tiful Christian Haven to take shelter and rest within as to restore your weary soul. To be honest, our Christian community is quite massive and it would require substantial time and sojourning through as to be able to totally comprehend what our Heavenly Father has led you to. So, please relax, take your time and be prepared to experience the true Spiritual essence of Christianity.