Does God give u free will to choose who u marry?

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Does God give u free will to choose who u marry?

Postby jcruz » Mon Jun 27, 2011 6:16 pm

It's been a long tyme since I been on here.. and I kno I'm probally wrong cuz I'm comin back cuz I'm in a lot of pain.. so I apologizes.. but today I'm here wit a heavy heart.. I was in a relationship fo almost a yr now.. and jus ended.. from out of no where.. on June 5th we found we was having a child so it hurts even more cuz I won't be by side like I want to guide thru the pregancy.. well I'm lookin fo answers.. fo almost her parents was tellin her I wasn't the man God told them that she would marry and it was prophecied to her who her husband would be.. let me tell you that her parents are pasters.. and prophets.. but I don't understand why they would say that.. I'm not a bad man I treated their daughter with respect and love I'm not out in the streets bein a knuckle head.. I have family values.. i also three kids of my own I care.. and we was suppose to get married on Oct 1st of this yr.. I came to her parents like a man and asked fo thier blessings and they granted to me.. then from there everything went down hill.. I don't know wat happened.. cuz I showed how much I loved her.. and was always there fo her and her family.. but I feel like they wont allow her to make choices on her own.. and we started arguing more.. and I beleive that scared her.. but I would never hurt her.. I know as adults we r goin to argued.. but with God we could of have got past it.. we wasn't cussin calling eachother names or anything like that.. I jus need answers..
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Re: Does God give u free will to choose who u marry?

Postby Dora » Tue Jun 28, 2011 3:05 pm

Hello brother! Welcome Home! *Wave* I remember you.

I'm sorry you are hurting. *hug*

Congrats on being a daddy though! :)

You sound like such a wonderful man.

If it is Gods will He can fix this or bring you the one He has for you. Either way, His will is always best.

I believe He has in store for you the perfectly hand picked bride. Seek Him fully. Aligning things to be in His will might not be an easy path. But in the end you will see it is best. Some painful times may be ahead. This is why you need to build your faith in Him and make that relationship with Him very close. He longs to bless you.

Saying a prayer for Gods will to be done in all this.
*angel7* Sorrow looks back, Worry looks around, But faith looks up! Live simply, love generously, care deeply, speak kindly and trust in our Creator who loves us.
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Re: Does God give u free will to choose who u marry?

Postby Christnundrconstruxn » Wed Jun 29, 2011 10:04 am

Hi Jcruz,
Welcome back! I first want to say I agree with Pine on all counts.
As for when you came back, think of yourself as a teenager again did you hang around your parents didn't think so BUT did they love you any less or did they feel you loved them any, this is how God feels He does not love you any less, sure He wants you to spend more time with Him but if you don't I don't think He opens His arms any less to hold you just as luke 15 shows.
And to answer your title question...yes you do have freewill to marry who you please BUT just as you have freewill to sin it is a choice you have to make carefully or end up making a wrong choice.
Also wanted to add that you sound like you have done all things as God would have wanted you to, this is all you can do and leave the rest to God, He sees ALL so maybe He is seeing something your not, weather it is not the right time or place or even the right person. You HAVE to trust Him.
But it also sounds as if satan was attacking, so I suggest you first and foremost stay close to God in every way then you keep doing what you feel God is leading you to do which could be to walk away or stay firm and strong with what you have been doing and if it is what God wants then no one including her parents can stop it, but just the same if it is NOT what God wants then there is nothing you can do to make it happen and if it is forced against His will it could end badly and I'm sure from hearing your words that is NOT something you want, so follow what you feel God wants not what her parents or anyone else for that matter.
You see I have a simular feeling due to the fact I have been separated for just shy of a year and a half but I have not turned my back, I keep doing what I feel God wants me to do no matter what society tells me (which has been pretty much the opposite) not much has changed between us other than I feel some of the anger is gone and we talk more as we should,
I keep saying I'm going to give up because for one I'm lonely and move on but for some reason I never do, I don't think God wants me to be lonely BUT I also don't think He wants me to go against His will so I will try to keep doing what I'm doing until I feel He is leading me differently (it's not easy though)
Just stay strong brother and do as God wishes and all else will follow.
Your brother in Christ
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