Married to someone with a mental illness (you or spouse)

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Married to someone with a mental illness (you or spouse)

Postby NCspydergurl4God » Mon Dec 20, 2010 8:36 am

Was wondering is anyone here who is married either you/your spouse/or both have a mental illness?

I suffer from depression and some anxiety. My husband suffers from bi-polar/depression/ptsd. We are both in counseling (individual) but was wondering how mental illness has effected your marriage.

For me it was hard for awhile my with my husband having bi-polar (w/the mood swings) he wasn't on medication for most of our marriage. His mood swings would get violent and then he wouldn't remember what had happened. My husband is doing much better now that he is on medication and God has done a complete change in him.

As far me my depression goes in stages . I am fine most of the time but sometimes it does hit. So its hard for me as well and yes I am on medication as well.

Thought maybe this thread could be a support group for people that are married w/mental illness.
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Re: Married to someone with a mental illness (you or spouse)

Postby akita777 » Mon May 16, 2011 5:18 pm

Well I guess since no one answered to this post I'll be the first. I struggle with major depression and ocd like symptoms. Very intrusive thoughts and I dis-associate from time to time. I love my wife dearly ans I could not make it without her. Your husband is a blessed man to have you there.

Hang in there,

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Re: Married to someone with a mental illness (you or spouse)

Postby Dora » Mon May 16, 2011 9:33 pm

Oh wow I never saw this post!

I've been diagnosed with a slew of things. Though I don't accept any of them. *BigGrin* Some of the things I was dignosed with I don't have now. ADHD is one. As long as I eat well, rest, exercise and deal properly with stress I show no signs of ADHD. Depression is one that I think I struggle with from time to time. I think a lot of things play on this one. My past, lack of sun light, lack of exercise and fresh air, stress, people with the same gifts as me tend to be more melancholy, and well we have the flesh and an enemy that wants me to wallow. PTSD which I am over coming! Some what. Sorta. At times it seems nearly gone, other times it seems I've made no progress.

My spouse has been through a lot as I heal and learn. Understanding is huge. Talking can be difficult but communication plays a big big big part in understanding.

Good post! Sorry I missed it. :(
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Re: Married to someone with a mental illness (you or spouse)

Postby sbennett » Tue May 17, 2011 10:06 am

;) Hmmmm....I do suffer with depression at times. I just get sad and really want attention. My hubby has issues with anger and there used to be some abuse there but God has taken that out of our marriage thankful. I am very social but my hubby is not and does not like to attend events even those of his kids. He wishes he was different and is getting better at it. We have learned to talk alot about how we feel and to let each other know when we need help or need to just be left I think our marriage works because we both pray for it and each other. Without God....we would not be together.
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Re: Married to someone with a mental illness (you or spouse)

Postby NCspydergurl4God » Mon May 23, 2011 1:56 pm

Thanks for the posts I was starting to wonder lol. Pine next time I'll put it in big bold letters for ya . rofl Living with someone who has a mental illness is really difficult. I can relate though w/o God we wouldn't be together anymore.
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Re: Married to someone with a mental illness (you or spouse)

Postby Dora » Mon May 23, 2011 3:10 pm

NCspydergurl4God wrote: Pine next time I'll put it in big bold letters for ya . rofl

rofl That may help!!!!

Living with someone who has a mental illness is really difficult. I can relate though w/o God we wouldn't be together anymore.

Amen to that! I know with out God my spouse and I wouldn't be together.

Living with myself is difficult enough. *BigGrin*
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Re: Married to someone with a mental illness (you or spouse)

Postby NCspydergurl4God » Thu Jun 02, 2011 8:59 pm

LOL Pine so true :P
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Re: Married to someone with a mental illness (you or spouse)

Postby ServeGod » Sat Jun 18, 2011 6:40 am

Mental illness is a real problem. 1 in 5 people will suffer from depression or axiety disorder.
My best friend has schizoprenia. My cousin had bi- polar
My friend believes in God and my cousin was an athiest.
About 15 years ago, my friend who is a believer challanged God. She said one day she simply said, God I do not need or want you in my life....... she said all of a sudden this strong wind came, and something dark had entered her.
She started hearing voices, and these voices told her to do dangerous things. She had two small children and a husband.
She was in such a bad way, that she was locked in a mental institution. She stayed there for 6 years, and meanwhile, she had lost custody of her children, her home and her husband had divorced her......
The voice was always telling her she was not a good mother, and she was not worthy of God, etc.....
The breakthrough was they had started her on new medication, and she was getting better.
One day she rang me, and she sounded great, she said while she was saying the Our Father, that presence that was within her had left....... before long she was out and she slowly recovered. She got to see her children, but lived alone. About 2 years ago, she remarried. Shortly after her marriage, it all started again...... the voice had returned, differently and disguised. For ten years she was feeling fine, and she had gradually stopped taking her medications...... Through out our talks, i always encourage her to continue taking her medications, and to pray the Our father. The voice has convinced her of his lies, that she so much believes in the lie.. By believing the lie of the devil, we simply invite him in, and he will stay and cause havoc.
Ok, my cousin who had bi-polar, well he was in one of his high moods, that he thought he didn't need the medications. He didn't need help, not from man nor from God. He became isolated, withdrawn and he vanished. He went missing on one of the mountains near by, He was found dead after several months. He had a beautiful, kind heart, and even though he didn't believe, somehow i hope in his isolation he would have called his name. His family are believers, and he was always surrounded by believers.....
The message i want to get across, is even though your feeling fine, and you have been feeling fine for years, do not stop taking medications, unless reviewed and requested by your Doctor. The other message, is dont let the devil in, but let God in. You will overcome.
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Re: Married to someone with a mental illness (you or spouse)

Postby akita777 » Mon Jun 20, 2011 3:43 pm


I suffer from mental illness. Clinically I was diagnosed with severe depression. Like your friend I challenged God and he turned me over to the devil to be tormented. I ended up in the mental hospital. At the time, I guess I really didn't know I was challenging God but now I know I was and I was very wrong!. Now(9yrs later) I still hear the voices in my head that says that I am Satan's and not a friend much less a son of the only God the Lord Jesus Christ. I too am on medication and I see a counselor once a week. I wish I would never had been led astray from my faith and denied the Lord but I did and the consequences have been really hard.

I still remember the first time I knelt to pray to God and Satan answered me with a resounding yes. I was terrified and sometimes I still am. Right now I don't know what to believe. It's as if I know the the Lord Jesus is real and I believe in him. But, everyday, all day, I fight with voices that tell me that I am no longer a believer and am lost forever. Some days are harder than others. Some days I want to quit and just get it over with because I don't want the enemy to use me to lead others astray as I was led astray.

Mental illness is real. I believe that it can be spiritual. I think they feed off one another.

Anyway, thanks for this post because the enemy wants me to believe that I am somehow special enough to suffer in ways that others don't. So many lies, I believed the lie too. Now I fight everyday to call myself a Christian.
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Re: Married to someone with a mental illness (you or spouse)

Postby ServeGod » Tue Jun 21, 2011 4:12 am

The devil knows that, he knows his time is near, and the coward he is, he rebels towards God by hurting the ones he loves and hold dear......THATS YOU..
Lay down, open the bible and place it on your head.
Then pray, that in the power of Jesus Christ, he will restore your mind and your heart, and that he will give you strength.
Then place the open bible on your heart, pray the OUR FATHER, pray in the authority of Jesus christ, that he will restore your mind and heart, and that he will give you strength.
Repeat the Our Father.
Our father is a merciful, forgiving , loving father, you might not know it, but you are always his, and you belong to him.
When the voices start, they will tell you nothing but lies, for Satan is nothing but a lier. Rebuke him in the authority of Jesus Christ. Don't believe the lies, for you are only letting him in. You will overcome. In links there are some studies, one is on the Holy Spirit.. its a good one to read.
The voices are most strong at night, and in the mornings, open the Holy bible, to the New testament. Pray that the Holy Spirit will give you ears to hear and eyes to see, then start reading. The Holy Spirit will teach you, he is the best teacher.
Start your morning by letting God in, and end the night by letting him in, by reading the bible....... This should really piss the devil off.......
And remember, GOD LOVES YOU, and you belong to him.
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Re: Married to someone with a mental illness (you or spouse)

Postby akita777 » Tue Jun 21, 2011 12:36 pm

I just get so worn out fighting all the thoughts I have. Sometimes I believe them, even though I know in me head they are wrong but I guess the enemy is trying to get to keep believing the lie. Though I don't want to, it's like being forced into something that you hate or do not want to believe or have happen to you.

I feel very emotional about others that suffer this way. I guess in a way it comforts me to know that I am not alone even though I feel like it. Also, dealing with this is hard because I really don't know how to explain what is going on. Even if I could, would it change anything? I mean Christ knows what's going on in my head and all the torment that I have been through. He has always put people in place to help me through it but still my mind thinks horrible thoughts about myself and my relationship with him.

I figure when I die if God allows me into his kingdom it will be a shock and I will be forever grateful. I will throw myself at the mercy of the Lord and pray that he will continue to uphold me. And despite all the thoughts he will give me rest in due season. This is my only hope. He is my only hope....
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