Number Six

Hosted by Saint 701 ... This forum is for the purpose of examining the subject of Grace and its great place in God's work in the body of Christ Jesus of which we are a part. "The Book of Romans" was chosen for the title since that book is so rich in Grace to us, but in no way is this forum limited in examining Grace to only the "Book of Romans."

Number Six

Postby saint701 » Sun Sep 09, 2012 9:40 pm

by saint701Sun Oct 30, 2011 7:07 pm Forum: The Book of Romans, Topic: Spiritual Fitness Summation Replies: 2Views: 485

Good evening Christianity Oasis. We hope your week has been a blessing to you, and the one to come even better.


Spiritual Fitness Summation

Ref: ... rts%201-10
Ref: Sports article, Time to Shine, St. Louis Post Dispatch Sports Section C, pages C1 and C8, dtd. 28Aug11.
Ref: Ref: ... /index.htm
Ref: St. Louis Post Dispatch 09/09/2011, pg. 1, China hub bill on hold for homework, Virginia Young, ( Ref:, Jack Clark is back on air at KTRS, Dan Caesar, March 21st, 2011. Ref: ... -ESV-Bible Ref: ... =First+100, Ref: ... te=4842980 Ref: ... adings-229, St. Louis Review, Sunday Scripture Readings, Father Thomas J. Smith, May 24th, 2007. Ref: St. Louis Post Dispatch, 9/26/11, FANS PLEA TO PUJOLS: STAY, pg.1 Ref: Renegade Priest Leads a Split St. Louis Parish, August 13, 2010, Malcom Gay. ... nted=1(New York Times) Ref: [url]Bible KJV, University of Michigan, ©, 1994. ... te=4760421[/url]Ref: Lutheran split over homosexuality shakes up social service network, July 20, 2011. Rachel Zoll, ... 68.html(TV channel 4 St. Louis, MO) Ref: St. Louis Post Dispatch Sports Headline, RESCUE SQUAD, pg.1, 10/13/2011. Ref: Bible KJV, University of Michigan, 1997, Prov.3:5-6. [url]

For those of you that have ears to hear, hear this. The sower sows the Word of God. When the Word of God falls upon good ground, (God's Words, Light, and Love), it bears the same fruit, God's Words, Light, and Love, some 30, some 60, some 100 times more than was sown.

First of all, as a reminder of where we have been in our articles on spiritual fitness, we list those components that keep us from a strong spiritual walk. (1) If someone becomes angry with us, do we become angry with them? (2) Are we stingy? (3) Do we forgive others easily when they have done us wrong? (4) Are we more interested in those things going on in the world than in the Kingdom of Heaven? (5) Do we bridle our tongue? (6) Do we really love our neighbor? (7) Do we truly love our human family? (8) Do we truly love our brothers and sisters in Christ Jesus? (9) If someone asks something of us, if we have it, do we always give it? (10) Do we really love the words of God enough to do them?

Healthy spiritual living doesn’t come to us overnight. Spiritual health is built into us by the Holy Spirit as we set our minds/souls to do those things He delights to be a part of. When we have turned our mind/soul toward the word, light and love of God to do all He wills, our Lord becomes part of everything we do. That is His will for us. Without our Lord Jesus living His life in us we can do nothing. Our Lord, (Father, Son, and Holy Spirit) desire us to become one with them in the Spirit of our Lord. It is only through our continual union with God doing those things that please Him that spiritual strength comes to us.

However, such is gradual and requires that we turn loose of those negative things that keep us from His love walk with us. Our problem is that we are reluctant to do so. When someone wrongs us we become offended, withhold our love, and refuse to forgive. Such demonstrates our lack of love for one another and our lack of understanding what the will of God is for us. Such touchiness must go if we truthfully desire to grow spiritually, i.e. become spiritually fit.

Jesus said blessed are those that will not be offended in me. THEREFORE, ceasing to be offended brings our Lord’s blessing to us. “But so and so and my wife/husband/sister/brother/neighbor…” So what? If we desire a pleasant walk with our Lord such must go. We must retrain ourselves in our mind to resist siding with our flesh when wronged, and instead of returning evil for evil, we must keep our mouths closed, refuse THE FEELINGS AND THOUGHTS that encourage our anti-Spirit of God type actions, and bless them with our Spirit of God given love. As noted in our articles such requires practice and a determination to please our Lord instead of our flesh.

Here is how I have success in the problem areas just mentioned. I talk to myself. I say to myself, “Nope, I’m not going to say one thing back. I refuse to be offended. I desire to make my Heavenly Dad happy. I refuse to have feelings of anger. I refuse to think evil thoughts. I am required to walk in my Lord’s love and light. I’m going to find a way to love and bless them, and I forgive them and I’m going to forget such ever happened. I refuse to remember anything against them.

By refusing to respond to the offense, I wipe their slate clean. They have no sin in the matter. Afterward talking with myself I set my mind on the good feelings and thoughts I am blessed with because I know I have done the will of the Father.

We know we have passed from death to life when we not only love our brethren, but all those around us. We can’t have it both ways, love our family and expect to stay in right standing with the Father when we hammer our co-workers. We have to take God’s love nature with us everywhere we go. Practice does make perfect as we strengthen our soul/mind to be rooted and grounded in love until it is rock solid just like that of our Lord.

Such spiritual exercise makes us victorious over problem numbers one through ten. Such makes us more than conquerors through Him that loved us and really sets us free from darkness and brings us into our Lords marvelous light. Truthfully, having humbled ourselves before our Lord in doing right, it doesn’t take long until good feelings about ourselves in making our Lord happy abound to us through Him. We find we really hate the thought of ever going back into the misery of walking in the flesh. We have become a spiritual person. And the more we lose our lives in the will of our Heavenly Love Dad, the sooner we will develop the fearlessness that comes with our being MADE PERFECT in love. We lose our fear of death!

We become spiritually fit by exercising those spiritual qualities in us and never quit. Staying spiritually fit requires that we continue to walk in the light and love of God.

Love, In Christ Jesus, saint.

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It is most certainly far better to die in faith believing, than it is to live in unbelief.
It is most certainly far better to die in faith believing, than it is to live in unbelief.
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