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Married and Crazy

PostPosted: Wed May 01, 2013 9:47 pm
by kerbie
Hi everyone! I am new to this forum and I found it in search of a Christian place where I could air out my thoughts with like minded people. I have been married for all of a month and some days and it is an "inter-faith" marriage so to speak with him being an Adventist and me being raised Baptist. Occasionally, I've been thinking "what in the world did I do!" Not in terms of oh-my-gosh I want a divorce but in terms of I really don't have anyone to talk to other than him and sometimes, I want to talk about him! It's been driving me crazy lately so I just thought I'd reach out for some support and try to connect with some other Christian women!

It'd be great to hear from you. is a great way to keep in touch with me :)

Re: Married and Crazy

PostPosted: Thu May 02, 2013 6:05 pm
by dema
Welcome to Oasis. Are you isolated then? Somewhere out in the country? Hope everything goes well with your marriage and life. This is a great site. Lots of studies and things to do.

Re: Married and Crazy

PostPosted: Sat May 04, 2013 2:13 pm
by kerbie
No, just don't really get out and do much without my husband, lol. He's great, it's just I need a friend that's a girl. Ya know? I don't really like study groups that much because all of the ones he goes to are on nights I work and they're all so opinionated that I just want to scream. Thanks for the reply! Please do keep in touch.

Re: Married and Crazy

PostPosted: Sun May 05, 2013 2:50 pm
by dema
Have you been to chat here?
Usually there are people in chat in the morning around 8 Eastern time and also around the same time in the evening. Also, you might check out some of the forums and get in a discussion there.
This site stresses being loving and accepting.

I do understand the need for a girl friend. Also it is good to find another couple to hang out with. We ballroom dance. You might look around for lessons in ballroom dancing or for square dancing. Frequently it is quite inexpensive. We have church hosted lessons here in town, dances cost around $20 a couple for an evening. Generally, there is water only provided as refreshments - they meet in a gym of some sort. Kinda like a high school prom with no punch or cookies. lol.

It is a good way to meet people.

Re: Married and Crazy

PostPosted: Sun May 05, 2013 9:21 pm
by kerbie
Lol, I've been trying to get him to go dancing with me! I tried to get in the chatrooms, but they wouldn't let me. Blah!

Re: Married and Crazy

PostPosted: Mon May 06, 2013 6:56 am
by dema
Make sure you have a video viewer - like adobe flash player. I actually am using whatever came with Windows 7 and it is working okay. ANd make sure it is up to date. I can't get into chat on my phone.

If you still have troubles, write to phantomfaith. Go to private messages and send him one and he can help.

The guys at dance are not gorgeous, nor are they particularly graceful. The worst thing probably would be that most of them would be OLD. lol. Most of the people at dance are empty nesters. But we do get a few young couples and even some young singles in one of the groups I am in. Hope you try it out.

Re: Married and Crazy

PostPosted: Wed Sep 04, 2013 2:00 pm
by MamaKitty87
Everyone everywhere has an opinion... It's natural... HOWEVER... we need to base them on truths, which is the Bible... like the whole "God helps those who help themselves" isn't biblical... Denominations shouldn't matter because both of your faiths should be based on the foundation of Jesus Christ, Who is our cornerstone. I highly recommend you both getting your differences sorted out before you decide to have family (believe me, different beliefs will clash one way or another) As for talking about him, talk to him about him... I do that to my husband all the time, he'd rather hear it from me than someone else. Who best to say what issues you have against him than the actual person?? (God doesn't like gossip much anyway)

Re: Married and Crazy

PostPosted: Thu Sep 05, 2013 6:34 am
by dema
If you work some nights, you might be able to find a morning Bible study - if not your church then another one. Also, I really recommend Men are from Mars. Great book.

The morning Bible studies may be entirely older women - that isn't such a bad thing. Recently I attended a party where they were sending off their one young member. She had really become a pet for all the older women. I guess it depends on your personality if you like that.

Re: Married and Crazy

PostPosted: Thu Sep 05, 2013 11:19 am
by MamaKitty87
The older women are also a blessing because they've been down that road... I'm the youngest teacher at the school I work at and my fellow teachers are an encouragement to keep pushing through the day, whether it be good or bad. The majority are also married and being a Christian-based school, it's awesome to hear advice coming from women who have gone through good and bad times, how they've been growing spiritually in their marriage with God's strength.