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Gods view on my marriage

PostPosted: Mon Apr 18, 2011 3:31 pm
by jayney
I have read all the section on here about God's views on my marriage and am confused. *help*
I have been married before but my ex husband was both violent and unfaithful so the Bible would support my reasons for ending the marriage? Is that right?
Then my marriage started as an affair as my husband was married so God doesn't recognise it? Right?
But I entered into this marriage very in love and committed to him, so the Bible says that counts? Right?
I have lots of problems in my marriage and feel I am coming to the end of my stamina to keep trying as nothing changes. My husband's family have treated me appallingly and he can be very selfish and irresponsible and has demonstrated repeatedly his lack of commitment to me.
I am asking, God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit to show me God's will and guide me in this as I don't see the way forward. But I suppose God giving me any answer depends on his view on my marriage? Right?
I am confused *Doh*

Re: Gods view on my marriage

PostPosted: Tue Apr 19, 2011 8:17 am
by Dora
Hello Jayney *hug* I am certain God doesn't want any of His children to stay in an abusive situation. Even if you at some point were sinning in a relationship there is forgiveness. It's why He died.

Blood shed for you. *Cross* And me.

I hope this helps.

Re: Gods view on my marriage

PostPosted: Sun May 01, 2011 8:10 am
by Christnundrconstruxn
Jayney *hug*
I want to say I AGREE with Pine, but also wish to add that it seems you have recieved the answers, Just keep going to God with this and LISTEN to Him ABOVE all the rest of us. *Pray*

may God bless and keep you