Inter-racial Marriage

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Inter-racial Marriage

Postby Didymus » Tue Aug 10, 2010 6:34 pm

I have recently been banned from a so called Christian forum site because I dared challenge the Administration of that site regarding their views on this subject. They believed it was wrong under any circumstances for Christians to marry other Christians of another race. I believe that when the Bible says, "Do not be unequally yoked together with unbelievers," it means exactly that. If a white Christisian marries a black Christian, that is a Christian marriage, under the rules of any Christian marriage in Ephesians 5 and Colossians 3.

What do you think?
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Postby lizzie » Tue Aug 10, 2010 7:31 pm

They believed it was wrong under any circumstances for Christians to marry other Christians of another race.

What do you think?

Im not sure if their idea of 'race' is limited to skin color, or if they also mean people from different nations (after all people can be from different countries and have similar coloring... then what?).
But Im so curious as to what they use to back up this belief.

Either way, its their belief and they are entitled to their own opinions but should not try to force others to adopt it.

As for mine, I am not gonna let anyone else's opinion keep me from forming friendships and relationships with people that God leads into my life, regardless of what they look like or where they are from. God made us all and and it is Christ that makes a Christ-ian marriage.

Be blessed
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Postby Dora » Tue Aug 10, 2010 8:16 pm

I agree...Live and let live.

God is about love not bondage.
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Postby mlg » Tue Aug 10, 2010 9:20 pm

Well I for one know that Moses was married to an Ethiopian even though he wasn't Ethiopian...and as we all know God loved Moses dearly....

I will offer this...I was in a biracial marriage...and my beautiful daughter was brought forth as a biracial child...and I know that God loves me and loves I think God is our only judge...and He judges the heart...not the skin or the nation...

Glad to have you here at the Oasis Didymus.

Take care and God Bless
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Postby Didymus » Wed Aug 11, 2010 7:02 pm

lizzie wrote:
They believed it was wrong under any circumstances for Christians to marry other Christians of another race.

What do you think?

Im not sure if their idea of 'race' is limited to skin color, or if they also mean people from different nations (after all people can be from different countries and have similar coloring... then what?).
But Im so curious as to what they use to back up this belief.

Either way, its their belief and they are entitled to their own opinions but should not try to force others to adopt it.

As for mine, I am not gonna let anyone else's opinion keep me from forming friendships and relationships with people that God leads into my life, regardless of what they look like or where they are from. God made us all and and it is Christ that makes a Christ-ian marriage.

Be blessed

It's not. But the idea of black and white was strongly hinted at, in my opinion. Either way, their position on the subject is not Biblical.

Thanks for your comment.

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Postby lizzie » Wed Aug 11, 2010 7:09 pm

go easy on the tomato juice if ur plannin on drivin brother lol
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Postby Didymus » Wed Aug 11, 2010 7:39 pm

I'm not driving till Friday

*Computer* - still tomato juice
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interracial marriage

Postby huelsingbroad » Wed Dec 15, 2010 8:03 am

*Cross* wait a minute christians!!!! what determines the standard for christians?? is it not the written word of GOD? we don't just make up what we want to believe as Christ died for sinners of all backgrounds. paul said there is neither jew nor gentile, barbarian nor greek, but we are all one body. pls do not nullify the word of God and the work of Christ by adding our own opinions to them. we will be held accountable for how we divide the word of truth. we must stand on the sure foundation of Christ, and we must not pust disunity among the bretheren.
no, God is our final authority as Christ is our master. we must form any worldview upon the HOLY SCRIPTURE and not of the opinions of man. if these people were holding more closely to the written Word, they would more closely resemble the Living Word.
ok, i'm off my soapbox
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Postby Christnundrconstruxn » Wed Dec 15, 2010 11:08 am

I also agree, it does NOT matter of what nation or of what color your skin
all that should matter is that you both are walking with Christ in the lead.
I had a relationship with a girl of different race and all I can say is I wished I knew where she was now :roll: , because she showed me more love than any of the "same race" women I dated and 1 I married.
I also have tried to instill this into my children: DO NOT allow this world to choose your love only your heart and God *Pray* should be the factors of this.
my oldest daughter dated a few african american boyfriends and I was very proud *saint* that she did not allow this world to tell her it was wrong, and the same happened with her, one of the boys treated her like a queen but apparently his guardians could not see past color and forced him to break it off, :cry: and shortly after he went on a rampage of trouble....hmmm think maybe he was trying to tell them something by acting out *help* and please know I'm not saying it was right, I even stayed in contact with this boy and try to lead him onto the right paths when I can
we all bleed red just like Christ did, and we all are the same under our skin. *GroupHug*
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Re: Inter-racial Marriage

Postby LuvFlowsThruMe » Wed Dec 15, 2010 1:01 pm

Didymus wrote:I have recently been banned from a so called Christian forum site because I dared challenge the Administration of that site regarding their views on this subject. They believed it was wrong under any circumstances for Christians to marry other Christians of another race. I believe that when the Bible says, "Do not be unequally yoked together with unbelievers," it means exactly that. If a white Christisian marries a black Christian, that is a Christian marriage, under the rules of any Christian marriage in Ephesians 5 and Colossians 3.

What do you think?

I think, well don't think but know! that whoever said that is WRONG!! and many have posted scripture here to prove that... however as one stated it is their belief. I pray that the Holy Spirit reveal the truth of Gods Word to him/her.. especially if they are in a position of authority and have others who are following that belief (the blind leading the blind.)

In regards to interracial relationships in general, but specifically those which has the potential to lead to marriage I feel that although it doesn't matter what race we marry.... it is essential that if we are considering or in an interracial relationship that each person try to the best of their ability with the guidance of the Holy Spirit, understand each others cultural differences... Having this understanding helps determine if in fact you are equally yoked with that person...

I have dated white men mostly and have asked some of them specific questions that I wouldn't ask a black man... This helped me determine if he was really ok with dating a black woman, if he would be able to handle some of the opposition and criticism and if his motives for dating me were good.. Christian and non Christian men have said things to me like "I've always wanted to date a black woman", "I love black women" and some other things that made me question their motives.. If I feel like a person wants to date me just to fulfill their fantasy or to see if the myths he heard about black women are true, I am instantly turned off... as we all do I hope for people to see past color if they are interested in developing any kind of relationship...
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Postby lizzie » Wed Dec 15, 2010 9:14 pm

In regards to interracial relationships in general, but specifically those which has the potential to lead to marriage I feel that although it doesn't matter what race we marry.... it is essential that if we are considering or in an interracial relationship that each person try to the best of their ability with the guidance of the Holy Spirit, understand each others cultural differences.

I agree :)

This may seem like not a big deal to most folks, but I have seen first hand how cultural differences present quite a bit of problems for friends and family of mine who married outside of their race/nationality. Things like foods, music, even the meanings behind words and phrases, differ from culture to culture and it does take patience and a willingness to learn and understand these things about each other.

Its kinda one of those 'you dont know unless ur in it' sorta things and acknowledging it as a potential issue and dealing with it together and early on is so very important.

Thankfully, love can overcome all :)
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Postby havingfaithagain53 » Thu Dec 16, 2010 12:39 am

Well it looks like we ALL got it right on this one... :) I'm as you are LUV, it worries me to think that this person with MUCH AUTHORITY has people under him that he is LEADING DOWN THIS PATH! We definitely need to PRAY the LORD help to OPEN UP their eyes to the truth and to all those who are on this site.

I myself have a daughter who has a black boyfriend and let me tell you, it hasn't been an easy road with my Mother. She actually told me it is not being BLACK (which he says he is brown) lol but it is because she doesn't believe in racial bf/gf or marriages. Right before Thanksgiving, she informed me that he was not welcome to come to the dinner. So.... I informed her that neither would I.. :) I told her I'm sorry she feels that way but that I feel like if she can't accept my daughters bf then I have to back my daughter on this one. Long story short... :) A few days later, she called and apologized and said he was WELCOME to come... *HighFive*

So the moral to the story is... God loves EVERYONE... EVERY COLOR .... EVERY RACE. So... if we are SUPPOSE to BE AS CHRIST WAS... then let's do it and quit saying we believe in the WORD and then DON'T BELIEVE IN ALL THE WORD!!! :)

Just saying.... ;)
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