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Family Journals

PostPosted: Tue Jan 26, 2010 1:49 pm
by Dora
Just began a new thing with in our family.

Cubby and I have a journal.
I write something and leave it on his bed side table.
In return he can write and leave it on mine.
Or if he doesn't feel like writing he can just sit it on my bed side table.

I've extended this to my kids as well.
I have a journal for each where they write me a note and leave it beside my bed. Then I write them a note and leave it beside their bed.

It can be a love note, a note of appreciation, sharing a problem or a memory, or sharing that I did something that bothered them. The only rule is that they never write in it because they feel they have to, but out of sincerity.

So far we have worked through a few problems that I wasn't aware of and the bond is growing even stronger.

I explained if anyone takes a peek in someone else journal, their own journal would be no more. I haven't had a problem with peeking in each others journals.

Sharing this in hopes that it may spark an idea in others as to ways to touch their kids and/or spouses.