Inter-racial Marriage

This forum is designed to share the TRUTH of Marriage according to God's Word, with single, divorced, unhappily married, and happily married souls. Some of the information contained within this forum may not apply to you, but may apply to a family member, friend or someone you may encounter and you could use what you learn to help others. WE ARE OUR BROTHER'S (SISTER'S) KEEPER ....... To learn more ... Check out the Til Death Do Us Part program


Postby LuvFlowsThruMe » Thu Dec 16, 2010 12:53 am

havingfaithagain53 wrote:Well it looks like we ALL got it right on this one... :) I'm as you are LUV, it worries me to think that this person with MUCH AUTHORITY has people under him that he is LEADING DOWN THIS PATH! We definitely need to PRAY the LORD help to OPEN UP their eyes to the truth and to all those who are on this site.

I myself have a daughter who has a black boyfriend and let me tell you, it hasn't been an easy road with my Mother. She actually told me it is not being BLACK (which he says he is brown) lol but it is because she doesn't believe in racial bf/gf or marriages. Right before Thanksgiving, she informed me that he was not welcome to come to the dinner. So.... I informed her that neither would I.. :) I told her I'm sorry she feels that way but that I feel like if she can't accept my daughters bf then I have to back my daughter on this one. Long story short... :) A few days later, she called and apologized and said he was WELCOME to come... *HighFive*

So the moral to the story is... God loves EVERYONE... EVERY COLOR .... EVERY RACE. So... if we are SUPPOSE to BE AS CHRIST WAS... then let's do it and quit saying we believe in the WORD and then DON'T BELIEVE IN ALL THE WORD!!! :)

Just saying.... ;)

WOW!! I admire that.. it was a bold move.. one that some are afraid to take.. that's awesome that you were able to support your daughter and her bf... sometimes that's what it takes.. it was not done with ill intent. but in love and with authority... hope you all enjoyed dinner and there were no jokes about dark meat lol *teasin*....
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Postby havingfaithagain53 » Thu Dec 16, 2010 1:16 am

Thanks Luv... :)

We ended up having dinner here at the house and then went to Mom's for dessert... :) And he is always teasing about his color... it's amazing. It was a bold move but I knew that the Lord wouldn't be happy if I let my Mom think that she was right in this. She is a wonderful Mom... but set in her ways. Hoping to change that before she goes on.... :)

I'm just Thankful for a GOD that loves ALL COLORS! I was going to say KNOWS NO COLOR... but that would be wrong... HE MADE ALL THE COLORS!!!! :) I'm asking Him why when I get to Heaven too... just been curious about it... *Lightbulb*
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earlier reply

Postby huelsingbroad » Thu Dec 16, 2010 8:38 am

i know i posted on this topic earlier, but fyi, i have been married to a caucasian man for almost seven years. this was the first interracial relationship for him. there are a lot of factors that make up draws one person to another.
however, our differences didn't stop with race and culture, but upbringing, childrearing, familial values, moral and ethical values. but in our relationship, where he falls short, i am strong and vice versa.
his (immediate) family accepted me right away, but some of the ppl at thanksgiving and christmas still don't speak.
all of my family(the ones i introduced him to) love him and he's one of us.
we have our problems and struggles, but none of it is because of our racial differences
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