But I relied on you God ... !

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But I relied on you God ... !

Postby vahn » Sat Sep 19, 2009 10:16 am

This is a well circulated "parable ?" , I dont know why , but I was "prompted" to write this today , with a minor twist .

Ok , a severe weather conditions , rainstorms and severe floodings warning is issued through all the media channels .
The whole town goes into panic/prep and readies itself to move to higher grounds for there is a , river , levys , lakes, lagoons and a dam close by .
So the clouds darken the rains come waters ankle high . Police cruisers all over town issuing evacuation notices through their speaker horns , handing out flyers and and personally , verbally ... by all means available ... the town sensibly responds and begin to take nessecary actions ... except for one person (there's gota be at least one such person in every town right ?). "Hah" is his response .
Ok , water's knee deep - town almost empty of people - a four wheeler stops by this person's house urging them to hop in , " you fools they say , my reliance is not on you humans it's on God and God alone "
A second warning , the dam's gates have burst open ...
Water neck high - a canoe - same response .
Water to the roof top of houses , and this person atop his , arms stretched in praise and prayer - a helicopter throws a rope ladder - same response .

Location : THE Gates ! person : " But You ... I thought .. I relied ... but , but ... !?!? "
God : " I sent you a warning , a cop , a 4x4 , a canoe and a chopper !! soo , what's the problem ?" and, with a snicker " I'm glad you're Here anyway , but I got some bad news for you , I have no use for you here ! now go back down there and tell'em of your experience saying 'If you don't obey God down here , what gives you the idea that He would think you'd obey Him up there !! ' and one more thing , that End of Time thing ? , it doesn't happen in just one speck of an area only ! "
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Postby mlg » Sat Sep 19, 2009 12:05 pm

And I smile. How true this is vahn....God gives chance after chance...but yet sometimes we refuse to accept what He is giving us, because our own thoughts of how we should be for Him overtakes us. We have to listen to His plan, and not get nearsighted and think we know what His plan is.

Thanx for sharing.

luv ya
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Postby Dora » Sat Sep 19, 2009 12:25 pm

Thus the need to be sheep who know the voice of the shepherd. :)

So we know when to go, when to stay. Tune in your ears to his voice. Set aside our own wants, desires, and ambitions to accept his as our path.
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