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Postby Dora » Thu Sep 03, 2009 5:10 pm

I'm posting cause I believe he's revealed door #4

I asked what was behind door #4.

And I heard, Loving you husband.

I was and still am a bit in shock.

I've allowed the enemy to come into my house because of my love for my husband? Or lack of? What'cha mean Lord?

I thought I was doing very well in this area. So I'm a bit stunned and even kinda in denial and even looking around to see if door #4 could be something else. *Lightbulb*

On my bedside table is a book a sister gave me called Fireproof. Who the Lord told her to give to me. Me? I said. So apparently I am missing something in this relationship God has given me. I guess I'll get back to that book again.

I can think of a lot of people who treat their spouses terribly. And I'm not one of them. But then this isn't about them and what God wants from them, but me and what God wants from me.

The link today was on trust. He's been calling me to trust him for a few months now. I had a test in this last night and I passed. :) My first time in that kind of situation that I listened and trusted.
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Postby xxJILLxx » Thu Sep 03, 2009 5:38 pm



i love u to pieces sis!

Amazing how he reveals to us stuff we had no idea we needed work on. I guess we can sum that up as , we never should be complacent in our relationships but rather keep building in them as he keeps building in us when we are in relationship with Him.

you are doing an awesome job sis


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Postby Dora » Thu Sep 03, 2009 6:12 pm

I think you hit the nail right on top of the head Jilly
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Postby mlg » Thu Sep 03, 2009 9:14 pm

Loving someone is so much more than treating someone's a foundation based on what God wants a wife to be to her husband. I know you will enjoy the book fireproof as it will help you grow closer and more "in love" with your husband.

God is opening the last door now...this study was for more than your calling was also for your healing.

He sure luvs ya sis and so do I.

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Postby Lani » Thu Sep 03, 2009 9:44 pm

Oh Pine.... *hug*

You are certainly not alone in this struggle. I too, get up at 4:30 .. but, for 45 minutes, I run and in that time, I talk to the Lord. I then return home, and read the Bible for about half an hour, before beginning the normal routine of my day. In the evening, I am here.... later and later with each passing day. ;) I do love Oasis and enjoy the time I spend here. Before going to bed, I read a bit more and pray.

It works for me, but isn't always easy.

You will find a way to work it all into the hours He gives us.

As for questioning your call... You are definitely here for His purpose. He speaks through you for sure! Best wished on your walk through the study once more. I pray it brings peace and understanding you the purpose He has for you!

Peace and Love in Christ,

*BlessYou* Lani
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Postby Dora » Fri Sep 04, 2009 6:28 am

Thank you everyone.

Dad and I have been talking a lot about door #4, loving my husband. And he's show me a bag full of stuff that needs improvement, including unforgivness over an area. :( Which is an ugly one that I'd rather not confess to. :oops: I will be spending more time talking to God about that one and seeking his help in other areas as well. I feel I've shut all four door, locked them, and walked away. Now I need to remember to put on the armor so when the enemy comes knocking on them I am prepared to fight.

I said yesterdays link was Trust. When I went back to it, it was Faith. I interpretated it as trust. I scanned through quickly yesterday morning as time was an issue and went through it more thoroughly in chat during the Christian Walk Study program. Wow there's a lot to this study. I didn't get through it completely. Def one I'll be coming back to often. :)

Today is about finding your calling and knowing what it is.
I believe I'm called to a few areas. Here. The desire within to be here and do Gods work only grows stronger every day. Counseling those that are where I was, in the grips of the enemy. He's allowed me to feel what it's like to be in the shoes of others who struggle with things I've never struggled with. Not a pleasant thing, but how exciting that he'd call me to it, line up our lives so they meet, allow me to feel their darkness, and give me the words the need. So awesome when that happens. *angelbounce*

I have this intense pain when I hear of a child being hurt. It shatters me. I am certain it's due to my past. When I started daycare a few years ago I had a little girl that I was concerned was being abused. She was so much like I was. One day she saw a little butterfly and in complete amusement over this she followed the flitting fluttery little thing across the drive and into the field. I was able to just follow her and allow her to go. She was in her own little world and just wondering off behind this butterfly. Her eyes always had the glazed over look that life had already given her more than her little mind could handle. She was a very difficult child and she had already learned to block out everything around her. Every day I held her in my arms, cared for her, tended to her needs, read to her, loved her. And I decided then if she was ever taken from her home I wanted her to be able to care for her 24/7, not some stranger.

Due to this child my husband and I have applied for our fostercare license. This one child is still with her mother. We had an 8 year old foster kid who was so very difficult. A girl. She drove everyone nuts. But I could see me in her. I could understand why she talked so much, why any little noise caused her to over react, why she tried to control everyone and everything. To receive a child who has been through what I've been through and give them food and love and safety is pleasing. Difficult, yet it makes me smile. :)

My job is my disguise that allows me to stay home and do the Lords work. Allowing me to tend to children who have had unfortunate events in their lives and working here.

I won't have internet till Sunday night so I have copied the next two days and will take them with me.
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Postby mlg » Fri Sep 04, 2009 7:30 am

Pine, as I read your post today, it just makes me think about how each of us have such different callings, but yet make up the Body of Christ. Yours is working with those abused during childhood, where as goldie's calling is to work with the mentally ill, and mine is to work with the lost and hurting adults who are chained by their past, as well as to help sheep become shepherds in God's ministry...but we all work together for God.

I think you have an awesome help the abused...because they need someone who knows what they are going through and can reach out and share the Comforter with them. I think you do great with this.

I'm also delighted to see you are working on locking those doors now sis, and moving forward in learning to love your husband as God wants you too.

See you when you return.

luv ya
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Postby deetu » Fri Sep 04, 2009 10:01 pm

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Postby Dora » Sun Sep 06, 2009 6:20 pm

I have 4 pages on notes from this past two studies. lol So I'll spare you and give you a short form.

Pine wrote:I've allowed the enemy to come into my house because of my love for my husband? Or lack of? What'cha mean Lord?

Oh my! Never ask if you aren't willing to see. The Lord allowed little things to go wrong around me. Each thing I allowed to irritate me and I became grumpy and grouchy.

Gotta learn to not let my surroundings effect me. After all if I want to say Here I Am Send Me, I sure want to be able to go where he leads with out grumbling about going camping and finding it's RUSTIC, no electric, no indoor plumbing, no way to wash my hair, plus no frenchfries in my hamburger meal. That last one was the biggie! lol

I would like to learn more about
I've got some more good news for you. You can build the same kind of relationship with God, Jesus, and your Guardian Angel. They all have different personalities, and soon you'll get to know them all, personally. You're never alone.

I'm afraid of falling into divination. Been there. Don't wanna go back again.
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Postby mlg » Sun Sep 06, 2009 7:31 pm

Wow sis, talk about a way to gain patience and understanding. To live in a rustic campsite...I actually have done this a few times and loved it. I guess cuz I get to see how God actually created us to live, and not as the world has made us want to live....definitely a learning experience sis...just learn to not let the little things bug ain't worth it...

Welcome home sis, so glad your back.

luv ya
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Postby Dora » Mon Sep 07, 2009 9:55 am

Day #8 Spiritual Gifts

I've prayed much about my gifts and these studies align with what I have found to be true. It's been a breath of fresh air to find that my thoughts agree with these thoughts.

I learned much from the vision and dreams study.

Was wondering if a vision is from ones self, they know they made it up, no doubt? They know they are lieing? Does my question make since?
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Postby mlg » Mon Sep 07, 2009 10:06 am

Awww sis I'm glad you enjoyed this step :) I'm not really sure about your questions on visions and dreams, as I know they are used by God to share Prophetic things. I've had a few visions/dreams, but I'm not Prophetic...I don't have that it's really hard for me to guess on this. I know we have a couple here who are Prophetic, and I hope one of them can answer your questions.

luv ya bunches
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