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Postby mlg » Tue Sep 01, 2009 11:40 am

Keep us posted on the headaches sis. I think if you can get them under control it will help you a lot.

luv ya
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Postby Dora » Tue Sep 01, 2009 7:09 pm

Thank you mlg.
The eye doctor said new glasses should help and that I have some sinus stuff going on. So new glasses are on the way. *Clap* And I am going to love the new look. *dance* I told them I wanted glasses that made me look 30 pounds lighter. They said they didn't have any. :roll: He also said I had muscle strain caused from my glasses. He "tweeked" them and they feel a bit more rested already.


Anyhow finishing the Day #2 Only took me 12 hours! rofl Tomorrow will be better cause Someone will be at work. *makes note to disconnect phone* lol
The Who Am I Study says the reason you're here, alive on this earth, is to glorify your Creator.

What ever brings him glory. *ohyeah* His will in all things.

The study talks about the water, blood, and spirit of a human. Spirit returns to God, Soul aka blood, goes to abrahams bossom, and the boy which is the water returns to dust.

It's hard to wrap my mind around that. I've studied it often since coming here to Oasis yet it's still a bit of a mistery to me. Then again the trinity is a mistery.

I've been seeing how the soul effects the spirit. And that I have the choice as to what my soul will believe and watching my spirit conform to what my soul is saying. Such as responses to fear. I do believe this is something that will be important to get a complete grip on and very soon. The time appoaches soon. I feel him preparing me. I see his work in me.

I feel excitement raise inside of me, as if that is where I will glorify God to my fullest degree. And mind over matter will be important at that time.
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Postby mlg » Tue Sep 01, 2009 7:20 pm

Yay sis, glad you had your glasses checked...that's what gives me headaches the most, when the prescription is going bad....

You know sis, the Trinity seems to be a deep mystery for many. It's only as I have come to spend more and more time with the Lord one on one, that I've come to truly see who the Trinity is. It's really fascinating because He is Father, Son, and Holy Spirit :)

So then you have the water, blood and spirit which all relates to a person's makeup. So when you understand how a person is made up of 3 parts you can see how God is 3 in 1.

Glad you finished the steps sis.

luv ya
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Postby --- » Tue Sep 01, 2009 8:04 pm

You know Pine... time with the Lord can be found anywhere at any time. even in 5 minute increments.
Any time you offer a moment devoted to prayer or chatting with Him...He is pleased for He knows your heart, your intentions and your desires for Him. He also gave you the responsibilities you have to care for...HE KNOWS.

Do not stress over this.
God is pleased with you.
He understands you.
He knows what your day is full of.
The time is there...all those few minutes spent with Him add up over the day.
Pick a topic and keep on it all day...think on it... ponder the message of it.
Before you know it you will have spent a considerable amount of time with God.

Take the time you worry about "no time" and give those precious moments to Him.
As your life progresses time becomes easier to find.

Everyone has their own way of giving time to God, find yours and when you do it will be right. Do not compare how others do will only frustrate you more.

Pine He knows your heart and He loves any and all time you give Him are HIS.
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Postby Dora » Wed Sep 02, 2009 6:36 am

Yes Oct Thankyou. *hug*
I do feel guilty, because when it's a large bible study, I can't devote the time to get through it all at once right now. I do feel it's me, not giving my best to him.

I didn't sleep much last night. Kept dreaming I left 4 door to my house open all night. Which allowed room for the enemy to come in. Praying for him to reveal if there is spiritual meaning to this.

Psalms 62:5
My soul, wait thou only upon God; for my expectation is from Him.

This is where I was yesterday and still am today.

One last memory of my dad that I wouldn't accept. I share this with you as it might be one of the doors left open. I won't share the memory. I don't want to share it with anyone. I've come to the place where I accept it as my past, which leaves me a bit shaken up to accept it. The denial has turned to anger. Anger against the world. Going through the process one more time. I'm hoping this is the last. I searched every memory I could find last night, hoping I wouldn't come across one that just ended, blocked. I hope the four doors is not four memories left open that I have to pass through. Today I'll be working through closing this door and shutting off the emotions that are connected to it. For now I put these things off so I can work on the study.

The study today is on worldly trends. I think I've got that one covered well. I'm not into impressing the world.

And seeds and weeds. Interesting. Going to make me deal with this isn't he?

Just like the rebellious teen that shuts off her fathers words of how she needs to improve on an area of her life as it's effecting her and others, I found myself in the study today doing the same. Shutting it off, just get through it. So I went back and read it again, taking note to when it hit a cord and caused me to choose to let my mind drift. And there I found some weeds. It does feel good to give them over to God.

And then this
Philippians 4:8
Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things.

So I choose to seek the good in the past memory that is causing me to be angry this morning. A weed that's been there for 30 years. Wow am I that old! It's deep one, which has grown tightly around my heart.

When trying to remove them, I stumble at the thought of how could a daddy cut his little girl with razors. He was sick. There they come, the tears that will heal this. He wasn't an evil man. He was a man lost in the world of sin, lust, anger, pride, and alcohol. My heart screams daddy how could you do this to me!

I spent yesterday in denial that it even happened. Once in the middle of the night as I woke up because I felt the doors were open I heard his voice, "Dora you know this is the truth. Accept it and move on." I don't want to accept it. Denial is so much easier. To pass through the door again and see and feel it all over. So it can be closed and shut off the enemies access into my life.

It needs to be done. If this was one of the four doors, there are three more to go. I have no idea what they are. Or do I and I just deny they are there and they are real. He will reveal them in his time, when I am ready. He's just good like that.

Well 7:30, it took an hour. But well worth it. And I finished the entire study in one sitting. :) Wow. I had no idea he was taking me this route along this path. I thought I was seeking what I missed in the study about my calling, not uncovering what was hidden in the closet.

Now it is time to...Forget the past, think forward, be thus minded.
Philippians 3:13-16

I do need to spend some time, making sure I've allowed God to remove the emotions attached to this big weed. Otherwise It will be back.
Last edited by Dora on Wed Sep 02, 2009 11:34 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby mlg » Wed Sep 02, 2009 10:36 am

Sis, I'm glad you really found that big weed while working through the steps. Now you can plant seeds in place of that weed. See that's what God's ministry is about..planting seeds within the hearts of others. He knows all things and He will use what has happened in the past to you, to be a testimony to others. So tackle the weed and let it be used as a seed of Truth for yourself and others.

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Postby Dora » Thu Sep 03, 2009 6:48 am

Up at 3am stairing at door number 2.
Wish this was price is right cause these doors are no fun.
Unforgivness of self.
I knew yesterday morning this was one.
He gave me a little sneak peak.
As the day progressed he kept taking me back to this.
Then at 3 am wide awake asking why I can't let go.
It's not todays issues. It's the ones that were at the reason I got pushed to the forefront of this battle where others hurt me when I was so young.
You see the razor and being beat with his boot was because I didn't pick up my toys and was noisy during the day. Perfection, nothing less. Even having to walk with out making the floor boards creak.
So I'm kinda stuck in door #1 and #2.
Hope #3 and #4 are easier.

James 4:17
Therefore to him that knoweth to do good, and doeth it not, to him it is sin.

You know the enemy is giving it a good fight.

I can just see her the bride of Christ, sitting with soap and a scrub brush, scrubbing as if a stain on her wedding gown. She can't see her gown is pure white. Funny girl isn't she.

It appears he wants to take a better look at door #3. If this is what needs to happen so I can close the doors, then so be it. I have a busy day today and don't have time to work on these things. His will be done.
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Postby mlg » Thu Sep 03, 2009 7:52 am

Praying for you as you begin allowing God to open up the doors and shine the Light inside. It may get a little rough at times, but Jesus will be right there with you...these doors are all leading you to be able to help others...face the fears, and show others how to get past them as well.

luv ya sis
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Postby deetu » Thu Sep 03, 2009 10:41 am

Pine, that stuff is in the past, you don't need to fear it anymore but you need to clean it out to reach for the future. You don't need to carry that baggage around any longer. It's too heavy and Jesus wants to lighten your load.

And, oh, how much lighter you will feel! Then you will have more room to let in more of what God has to offer, the good... filled to overflowing so that you can share with others. Doesn't that sound grand?

My prayers for strength and encouragement are with you *Hug9*
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Postby Tam » Thu Sep 03, 2009 11:18 am

Pine I am cheering for you sis...You can do it can make it...
I believe in you
Daddy is not going to bring you this far to leave you ....He is right beside you all the way.

How are the headaches?

Love you sis
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Postby Dora » Thu Sep 03, 2009 1:03 pm

Thank you all *hug*

Feels so great to get a response. :) It's like a reminder, I'm not alone, people do care (though I knew you did) and people do love me (though I knew you do).

Thank you for asking Tam. The headaches are fewer and not a fierce since I posted. Not sure if it was the prayers from all you saints or the "tweek" the eye doc did to my glasses. Or both.

I was up at 3am this morning. If I don't get a headache today, then I'm giong to say it's not that I need more sleep, but just eye strain.

Feeling like I've made it through 3 of the 4 doors. Haven't completely closed them yet. Just standing there looking at them. Earlier it was as if I'd passed through them but my shirt tail had been caught and I couldn't quiet get through. The past hanging on, causing pain, unforgivness, and weighing me down. FEELING the forgiveness that God has placed on me. *angelbounce*
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Postby mlg » Thu Sep 03, 2009 1:12 pm

Yay sis, your moving forward :) That's the way...forward not back...God is still in control...and yes you may have one more door...but look at it now as a release behind that door and not fear it anymore.

Oh and yes we all care for you very much. We love you. :)

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