standing firm for what's right vs argument

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standing firm for what's right vs argument

Postby vahn » Thu Jun 11, 2009 3:48 pm

After a so called "debating" discussion with a fellow christian last night , I was left with a "head scratching" moment , as of to why is my actions are being interpreted as combative or argumentative .

I have to admit the fact that I am not too keen on soft communication when it comes to relaying a proven msge. And that my mode of communication is a bit on the not so soft side , as , well , it should be . Especially when it comes to when some people try to convince me of a false interpretation of reality as far as scripture is concerned , now , I do however , agree 100% with the " slowly and softly " lead the person approach I'm trying to guide toward our Lord , but it seems that no matter how hard I try ( ok , maybe I dont try hard enough) I seem to lose patience and tolerance too easily . Does that feel right afetrwards ? no . but .

Well , following Paul's method , where he says , " when among the Jews , I become a Jew , among the gentiles , a gentile " , well I deal mostly with alcoholics (recovering newbies) . Has anyone tryed to be soft with any of those and make progress ? I know in my case , the softer they , got with me , the more the denial built up , and consequently , the more argumentative I got ! .

So , how about with the softies I become a softie , and with the hard headed I become one myself , with the hope that , in the process , with the compassionate I will learn how to be one .

Being led or to lead someone to our Lord is not an easy task , and I was not (neither did anyone else for that matter ) something I was born with . but , as long as I put one foot in front of the other , I'll get there eventually .
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Postby mlg » Thu Jun 11, 2009 4:08 pm

Some verses I'd like to share:

2 To speak evil of no man, to be no brawlers, but gentle, shewing all meekness unto all men.

This says to show meekness unto all men...not some...and not selectively but to all.

Matthew 10:16
Behold, I send you forth as sheep in the midst of wolves: be ye therefore wise as serpents, and harmless as doves.

Think on these things :)

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Postby vahn » Fri Jun 12, 2009 4:45 pm

Ok , to go among wolves as sheep , hmmm .

ok , I understand what it is followed by , be wise as snakes .

Well , just because sometimes I get to be on the rough side with a hard headed individual , it doesn't mean that I'm going about it in a harmful way , though I still gree and in fact I only find myself resorting to not so soft approach , kinda being pushed to it , is what makes me think I didnt go about it the way I should , hence guilt and disappointment sets in . then I go , " never again " . Too aggravating for what it's worth !!
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Postby mlg » Fri Jun 12, 2009 4:50 pm

Awww but that's why we continue to allow God to refine us. It's a daily work, and yes at times it is aggravating, but in the end worth it. Don't let guilt and disappointment get ya, as that's the enemy...just make next time better.

luv ya
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Postby deetu » Sat Jun 13, 2009 10:28 pm

I, personally, have found that the more I walked with God, the more I changed. The more I changed, the more people noticed. I also noticed that people were drawn to me... some would tell me things for no reason but I would know that the Holy Spirit was guiding my answers. If someone didn't accept what I was telling them, I would step back and wait (praying for them, for guidance and understanding) I would mention it again in another situation...

I just remember from before I was born again when people would try to force their ideas on me I would always fight it, close myself off to it. I guess it was a control thing.

So I guess what I am saying is to stay calm, move among them and let your light shine. They will want to know what it is you have and want it themselves.
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